Thursday, November 24, 2005

My article on Social Software:

Knowledge Management (KM) is a powerful tool that leverages computer networks’ ability to break down barriers of time and space. While KM has been primarily designed for use in business environments, there is some potential for it to be ported in the area of Indigenous Knowledge (IK) or Folk Knowledge (FK). Through KM, we can combine science and local knowledge, and hopefully harness the best science of the digital haves and the best indigenous wisdom of the digital have-nots. This paper aims to explore the usefulness of diverse open-source Social Software to support KM in the area of FK. A survey of available Social Software will demonstrate the possibilities for collecting, preserving and sharing a range of cultural artifacts. However, in the framework of a technologically compliant Social Software application, it is the social factor that dictates the usefulness of any given KM system for FK. Read more.
Ever heard of American Inventor? It's a spin off of the wildly popular American Idol from the same producers. Here's a first hand account of someone who got as far as auditioning. Mary's Great Ideas.
"Chaos will rule the internet in 2010 as spam, viruses and fraudulent emails create a digital dystopia, according to Professor Trevor Barr, user environments program manager at Australia's Swinburne University of Technology." Michael Crawford, of Computerworld Today (Australia) reports.
How to command new technologies, new consumers, and new markets.

Book Review from TMIUS says:
Ian Morrison is a futurist, and he speaks the language of "curves." The first curve of a company is the business it generates based on its traditional or current revenues. Companies can do very well with their traditional sources of income, and then suddenly find themselves with high quality standards, satisfied customers, and even clever innovations on traditional products, and not doing so well. Welcome to the world of the Second Curve. The Second Curve is where you are not yet functioning, and probably don't even really know where and how you should be functioning to get there. This phenomenon, Morrison maintains is "fueled by massive forces of change over which you have no control: new technology, new consumers, and new markets."
Read More.
Being Digital... ten years hence.

Brent Holliday writes:
"In his well-read book in 1995, called Being Digital, Nicholas Negeroponte of MIT's Media Lab predicted that the evolution of the Internet would dramatically transform the world of content (print, entertainment and work related. Sometimes referred to back then and now as 'Negeropompous', he nevertheless helped the non-technical reader see the power of digitizing and delivering content back and forth to one another. Like most pundits who condescendingly tell the world that their view is gospel, he got it mostly right AND he predicted it quite a few years before it became mainstream." Read More

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Nice blog on learning how to learn the way you want to learn.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Blended Edu: August 2005: "Blended Edu is dedicated to providing web-based social media resources and curriculum materials for teachers, students, researchers, and others interested in the convergence of cyberculture, social media technologies, online community, and learning."

I like this blog!