Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Simple wish for Christmas, Redux

Peace and goodwill, in spite of ... perhaps because of ...

[An updated take away from Steve Kayser's wish in 2007]

Happy Christmas World!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Was thinking of getting a copy of Outliers ...

Image credits:

... then I stumbled upon Dan Pink's The Adventures of Johnny Bunko.

Based on reviews - I particularly like Garr Reynolds' piece, Dan Pink's latest book looked more like one written for the rest of us in the bell curve.

Besides, the mangaesque execution of the book could be a useful way to connect with kids of the early 21st century. So I might just include that on my wish list for Christmas.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Autism-friendly Browser

One of the things I'm fond of doing is sharing for the heck of it. Now this  is rather  interesting. ZAC browser. The Internet has really made learning "inclusive".