Random ruminations of an Evolutionary Technologist (a.k.a. Edublogger) who believes that "It's not what you take but what you leave behind..." Fun part of that could put him in good company with the likes of Benjamin Franklin, Eisenhower, JFK, John Lennon and Steven Spielberg. Longer list is here. Serious part is that he also focusses on Technology, Economics and Society.
Friday, March 31, 2006
Thursday, March 30, 2006
but Google wants a patent for WiFi hotspot ads. Fierce Wi-Fi reports that "[t]he patent pertains to a method by which an end user using an [Access Point] would be served advertisements based on geographic location, behavioral profile, vertical market and more."
I am tempted to regard this move however as a prelude to crass mass customisation. Digital free lunch anyone? So much for muni-WiFi.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Some signs:
- Pandorasquared.com is at the forefront of the movement called Pinoyweb2.com and the people behind them are running a workshop on Web 2.0 on the 17-19 April, 2006 in Manila. Workshop details are somewhere here.
- A paper on KM of Folk Culture: Lessons from Social Software will be read on 17-18 April 2006 at a conference billed Emerging Technologies for Philippines 2020, in Makati. Program details here.
- iBlog Summit is on its second year in U.P. Diliman on 18 April 2006.
Thanks for the pitch Peachy Herrin!
Use the AIDA framework. You can never go wrong (well, almost). Just do it right.
Here's the wikipedia link.
The answer might lie in the question "What is great about maps?"
Don't laugh now but McGyver in "The Gauntlet" (episode 4, aired first on October 21, 1985 in the US) gives this answer: "[i]t gets you in and out of places in a lot of different ways."
Thanks Shery Ma Belle Arrieta-Russ for the insights.
In 2001, the following post appeared:
I am desperately trying to find some type of software that will take a DVD movie
clip from a DVD so I can put it into a powerpoint presentation (ultimately) or
to extract it some other way so I can present it on a projector besides just
using a DVD clip. -- Douglas Patrick (douglaslpatrick@hotmail.com),
November 12, 2001
Some kind hearted people responded but suggested solutions appeared flaky for the most part. I am still looking for a robust solution. Click here to "donate" your suggestions.
Perhaps. Then again perhaps not. The discussion thread here might help.
Monday, March 27, 2006
What I am beginning to write may just about rock the foundations of education as we know it. Learner-centered education requires taking a second look at the context of learning, in particular, how to learn, how to process information, how to inquire. That is the how. But what about considerations of time and space. Are we prepared to envision schools as physical repositories of knowledge alone? Can we envisage schools as mere tourist spots that get their upkeep supported by sales of entrance tickets, memorabilia, pins, pennants, etc? Think about it.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
According to boingboing.net:
Chicago Tribune reports on how large retailers such as OfficeMax and Walgreens
are offering on-premises ink-jet cartridge refilling services. Hewlett-Packard is pretending not to care, but the article says printer supplies account for about 70 of HP's printer business profits, and that 15-20 percent of the supply business has already moved to third-party refillers.
This would naturally hurt sales of new cartridges. Well that's the way the inkjet crumbles. :) Here's more.
1st ENGAGE European Union - Southeast Asia ICT Research Collaboration Conference, March 29–31, 2006
Century Park Hotel
Manila, Philippines
Let's hope this turns out to be a good start for collaboration particularly in the interest of social development. I am told the Philippines has a poor record in collaboration. I hope this event proves the statement wrong.
Friday, March 24, 2006
Microsoft scores again. It has upped the ante in the console war by giving out a game development kit for the XBox 360. Here's what I got from makezine.com:
The XNA Framework is an exciting new development and execution environment
which will allow game developers to more easily create games which run on the
Microsoft Windows and Xbox 360 platforms. Microsoft XNA Build is a tool and set
of technologies which will help game studios manage the growing complexities of
their game content builds. The first pre-release of XNA Build is now available
for download. We invite you to install this pre-release into a non-production
environment to learn more about how XNA Build will reduce development
complexities.More details here:
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
But you can change the firmware of your mp3 player!
Here is more from one of my usual sources: boingboing.net
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Good for mashing up diverse elements from flickr to del.icio.us to blogspot feeds.
You might not even need to use Google desktop.
It's called netvibes.com. Snagged it from Dion Hinchcliffe's list of Best Web 2.0 Software of 2005.
Especially those you've made.
Use co.mments. Allows you to stay on top of conversations.
Track with co.mments
Monday, March 20, 2006
In case you did not know, mere thinking, according to a federal circuit court, violates the patent over the following: "Elevated homocysteine is linked to B-12 deficiency, so doctors should test homocysteine levels to see whether the patient needs vitamins." Talk of patent abuse. (pun intended)
Michael Crichton tells us more.
Consider this: There's little chance they'd put you on TV. So sites like youtube.com or blip.tv could be the next best thing. Perhaps even a good work-around.
Here's the link.
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Now imagine a nanotech map of the Americas. Then imagine it being made out of strands of DNA. Are you interested yet? Here's the link.
I recently rebranded this blog by using the moniker "Evolutionary Technologist". Had to give it a positive spin on account of the unflattering ADHD label. Guess what? The moniker sent me to the top spot of a Google search result. Woohoo! Check it out.
Try googling "hyperlinked podcast" and you will get the following response:
"Tip: Try removing quotes from your search to get more results.
Your search - "hyperlinked podcast" - did not match any documents. "
The closest I got to a good lead however was via Tony Walsh's A Finer Point
on Podcasting, posted on July 18, 2005 @ 1:22 pm
tagged Aural Culture On the Screen Podcasting Weblogs. Here's the link.
Anyway Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
We are not talking unfettered here.
But you gotta hand it to Musicbrainz.org! The better to build communities.
It's all about open music metadata.
So writes Martin LaMonica.
But didn't I just wonder a week ago that mash-ups might just be the next killer app?
So much for a Pollyanna outlook.
Then again, if you are talking busines models, then there's good reason to worry whether Web 2.0 pays. Here's more.
Perhaps Eric Bonabeau's Hunch Engine can. To know more, click here. As usual, thanks to boingboing.net.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
That's not new, you say. Think again. Because it is different from GPRS downloads. It is called DVB-H.
Telstra will be broadcasting the Melbourne Commonweealth Games beginning March 15, 2006 using the Digital Video Broadcasting-Handheld (DVB-H) system which "allows simultaneous transmission of television, radio, video, audio and Internet content to mobile phones, PDAs, PCs and other handheld devices capable of handling the service. " (emphasis supplied). Read more.
Monday, March 13, 2006
Should make sense after a good laugh. As they'd say in Manila: Astig!
Click here for some samples.
"Nature Publishing Group (NPG) has released a new software which enables institutional repositories running EPrints to integrate with the social bookmarking services Connotea and del.icio.us." Entitled New Connotea Software Supports Institutional Repositories, more details can be read at this link.
Near perfect tool for scientific research.
Funny but this site says 4,000. Thanks again Phil Torrone.
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Envision solving a long-standing Zork puzzle where the answer, "inevitably was sitting there the whole time, waiting for the audience to pick up the punchline." Thanks to Dean Browell.
Imagine a "a movement started by people stereotyped as possessing minimal social skills, evolving into the catalyst for a wider reinvigoration of public participation in civic life, and a shift to a healthier society." Thanks to Matthew Davidson who wrote "Why LUGs Matter".
Got this from a youtube.com submission entitled Gizmodo CeBIT 2006 Hands-on.
Friday, March 10, 2006
Well actually more like entrepreneurial proverbs according to Cory Doctorow who extolled Marc Hedlund's entrepreneurial prescriptions. Some Samples follow.
On Starting businesses: It's good to be king; Losing sucks.
On Focussing on the Idea: Immediate yes is immediate no; Give people what they need, not what they say they need... More of those here.
AKA the revenge of the mass amateurs.
Philippine Context: ABS-CBN, GMA7, etc.
But Xeni Jardin in a pitch for a workshop for podcasters declares a love for the fact "that home producers can now compete directly with mainstream media companies for listeners. (Every minute a listener spends consuming independent content is a minute taken away from the conglomerates.) "
From the people at Squid Labs. In simple terms: What? Invent something that fits a business solution: How? (a) In close collaboration with clients or (b) by setting up a company around the invention. More granularity can be had here.
What drove them to start Squid Labs? “because we are all idealistic inventors who were disillusioned with many of the other job options available to us. We believe that our current business model is optimal not just for developing new technologies, but for getting those technologies out to the world where they can have as large an impact as possible.” (emphasis supplied)
Disillusionment is such a powerful word. Hmm. Makes me wonder.
Take an aspirin today and check back tomorrow.
BUT seriously, you are not alone. Zephoria makes a good point in random ontology thoughts. Article was in response to Clay’s article Ontology is Overrated: Categories, Links and Tags.That blog is dated 2005. Still good after almost year.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
"Pingoat is a service that pings or notifies a number of services that keep track of weblogs and publish them. By pinging, you let the services know that your blog has been updated and hence, they crawl and index your site, publishing your blog contents, thus increasing your blog's popularity.”
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
I am talking about the BBC Annotatable Audio Project. simply put, it allows users to tag parts of an audio. Tom Coates does a "show and tell" on the whole idea. Mp3 ID Tagging comes to mind, but that is static. The BBC Project gives the user the ability to play and tell (in text) something about an audio clip at the same time. I am reminded of the Spoken Word project in Northwestern University. As of this writing, the projects are still in R&D (I think).
Perhaps another potential killer social software app. What do you think?
I ran into Wetpaint.com. They say it has free, easy tools for creating wiki web sites where the readers are also the writers.
See for yourself.
Here's the link. Again thanks to Phil Torrone.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
So the show "American Inventor" is not exactly new. As implied by the report by Phil Torrone. Here is the link.
According to David Pescovitz of boingboing.net studies indicate that tests might just be better than studying for learning. Here's more.
Monday, March 06, 2006
I ran into "one of the best-kept secrets of the online learning world - a course management system 'for the rest of us'. " And they say there is no such thing as a "free lunch". It is called Manhattan 3.0 and here's the link.
Is there any application with a search engine that returns song titles (and perhaps pulls in audio samples) based on questions like the following?
"Hello, I am wondering if you can help me. For 7 years, I have been trying to remember the name of a song from the 1980's(???) This song was a soft-rock ballad and had a female lead singer (who is African-American). The only part of the lyrics that I remember goes: "You see the colour of blue and it will come back, it'll all come back to you." I am fairly sure that this song was from the mid to late 1980's; possibly even from the early 90's. Any help is greatly appreciated as this has been on my mind for 7 long years(!!!) "
"Hey I heard this song on the start of a clip , here's the link for the clip.(it's a family guy clip, but before it a text comes up sayin Ragik Designs and theres a song playing at the same time). It's an old song thats very very familiar and i really need to know it, Can't find it by typing in La La La in Google... lol. Please Help me. Thank You. "
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Use Flock (a Firefox derivative). Thanks Suman for the tip.
* Sounds like outsourcing possibilities.
Perhaps technically illegal. Then again perhaps socially/culturally acceptable.
Here's the source of the idea.
Saturday, March 04, 2006
How about a Wireless ISP (WISP)? Summary of the home-made project is here.
Friday, March 03, 2006
A flickr group that promotes visual story telling. Now you have a perfect excuse to move up to a
phone with a 3 megapixel camera. Here's the link with the rules and samples.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Check out the podcast via Larry's (Magid) World at ITconversations.com
BTW I also found an interesting application while listening to the Podscope podcast. It is called Podbop.org
It is about using podcasting to promote gigs in and around communities.
The source of the source of the wonderful thing is boingboing.net
Boingboing.net has been running a series of those anagramatic maps here.
Now is there any one out there with a lot of time in his/her hands to do an anagram of the following?

The site says it "lets you search the spoken word for topics that interest you."
Check it out here.