Take it from Dr. Steve Warburton who talks about "Deploying Social Software in Learning and Teaching Environments" using slideshare (a Web 2.0 tool).
Random ruminations of an Evolutionary Technologist (a.k.a. Edublogger) who believes that "It's not what you take but what you leave behind..." Fun part of that could put him in good company with the likes of Benjamin Franklin, Eisenhower, JFK, John Lennon and Steven Spielberg. Longer list is here. Serious part is that he also focusses on Technology, Economics and Society.
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Shouldn't there be a disclaimID?
I stick to my question above.
gsiemens observes that "Social network users have ruined their privacy, forever" and thus argues that we should be "teaching people how to use them (social networking) responsibly". (emphasis mine)
Now the pain comes when "something appears on the Internet, it's almost impossible to remove. Within minutes, chances are a search engine will crawl it, then that search engine will cache it, so that even if the page changes, the original content will still be there, for a while, at least."
I am told that there is such a thing as claimid.com which should work as another layer of privacy protection. It is supposed to let "you track, verify, classify, annotate, prioritize and share the information that is about you online."
I stick to my question above.
Friday, December 29, 2006
Meme of the day (year?): Blog-tag
Five things about me:
Happy New Year!
I came across something that had a five-things-about-me spin about a week ago, but hadn't realized it as a meme until I chanced upon a reference to a blogsphere game started by Jeff Pulver. So I will join in.
Five things about me:
- I've been hooked on the Internet since 1995
- I believe that the Internet teaches people with ADHD to push their personal productivity to a higher plane
- I was a special investigator with a government agency in my past life.
- I rarely use VOIP, the reason being I have no compelling personal/professional reason to do that yet
- I have been an innovation junkie since grade school
Happy New Year!
Just thought I'd try something new
Old media (Read: radio) + new media (Read: internet) = streaming audio
Old media (Read: radio) + new media (Read: internet) = streaming audio
Problem is you have to live with the adverts. But you'll get some consolation at 12 mn (1600 GMT) when "Midnight Oasis" kicks in. I am talking about Joey 92.3 FM in Manila. Take it for a spin, to see what I mean.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Perhaps we can learn a thing or two
... from overmundo.com
... from overmundo.com
Could be a good platform for pushing the economy via cross-promotion and evolution of pop/folk culture. Reminds me of the need for supporting national policies promoting "unlocking creativity" initiatives. Perhaps it's also time to leapfrog eskwela.com in the Philippines. There is just so much FOAF going around already (IMHO).
A constitutional agency (Read: COMELEC) in the Philippines
is into blogging (officially).
is into blogging (officially).
Here's a sample post. More interesting thing is, it's loaded with honorific titles such as COMMISSIONER, ACTING DIRECTOR IV, ELECTION OFFICER, etc. Perhaps you can start calling me BLOGGER joelogs.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Time to reflect a little more
... and wish everyone the blessings of the season and the coming new year. Happy birthday to the greatest Innovator!
Monday, December 25, 2006
Participatory culture and purposeful social networks
I like the sound of it.
Now they are talking. And Open University was part of the earlier conference. I'd like to see more of them walking soon.
I like the sound of it.
UNICOM: Conference London 21-22 Feb 2007: Social Tools for Business Use: Web 2.0 and the New Participatory Culture. More here.
Now they are talking. And Open University was part of the earlier conference. I'd like to see more of them walking soon.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
When is linking a violation of copyright?
Simple enough, I guess. When the owner of the site you are linking to says so.
Now although it is simpler enough to just create a link to an interesting site (That was the original main point of the World Wide Web anyway!) and acknowledging another person's work might be more acceptable than copying and pasting (Go here to see what I mean), I am told that it had to take a trial court to resolve linking issues. Follow this link for more. (Thanks to Xeni Jardin) By then, you will have noticed that I should have used this other one for a more direct link. So what's the beef about links?
Friday, December 22, 2006
How to promote your NGO
Seth Godin shows us 6 ways to do it.
Got YouTube? You got one right
One-page cheat sheet is here.
Seth Godin shows us 6 ways to do it.
Got YouTube? You got one right
One-page cheat sheet is here.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
I have been using elggspaces.com for about a month now.
... so I thought "Why not look under the hood?"
Then I found this: elgg.org which led me to this (Excerpt follows):
... so I thought "Why not look under the hood?"
Then I found this: elgg.org which led me to this (Excerpt follows):
"Elgg is an open source software platform designed to allow people to easily connect and share resources. Elgg allows you to create a social network and host it on your own infrastructure, modifying the features to fit your specific needs. Users establish personal digital identities and connect with other people, collaborate with them and discover new resources through their connections. Plugins allow users on different social networks to collaborate, and provide specific functionality for tasks like project management, mobile browsing and collaboration through user-controlled wikis."It has good multilingual collaborative translation support. There is one in Filipino. (Sounds like a useful school project. Any takers?)
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Social Networking for Pinoys
... especially students forever. Partly inspired by Facebook.com, it's called eskwela.com.
... especially students forever. Partly inspired by Facebook.com, it's called eskwela.com.
Good start. They say it is based on tagging. I navigated the interface looking for a search field. Couldn't find one.
May hold a lot of promise, but personally I would like to see it move into the realm of "purposive" (Read: Collaborative) social networks.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Now the rest of the World notices
That was totally prophetic!
Thanks to Time Magazine. And thanks to people who've always believed in a connected humanity, especilly via "championing and channeling", YOU are now officially mainstream.
That was totally prophetic!
technorati tags:TimeMagazine, PersonOfTheYear, 2006
Blogged with Flock
I gathered from (of all places(!) the source code of Dan Pink's main page)
Another nugget I found lying there:
... that "Story-building" should be part of one's professional and personal abilities. Yet an other essential part of a 21st century learner's skillset.
Another nugget I found lying there:
"A fleet of Mobile Booths is traveling the country collecting the stories of ordinary Americans, recording the tales for posterity, and eventually housing the recordings at the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress."Now I'd like to call that walking the talk about Folk Knowledge Management.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Ever seen/heard Cold Play song done by old-timers?
Clickhere. (Sorry, I had to do that. Thanks, JP for pointing out what was wrong! Would have been better if I used a permalink.) Ok, just view the clip below.
Get an overview of his book. And I gathered from (of all places(!) the source code of Dan Pink's main page) that "Story-building" should be part of one's professional and personal abilities. Yet an essential part of a 21st century learner's skillset.
Now I understand why we are living in the Right-brainers' century. Thanks to Dan Pink.
Get an overview of his book. And I gathered from (of all places(!) the source code of Dan Pink's main page) that "Story-building" should be part of one's professional and personal abilities. Yet an essential part of a 21st century learner's skillset.
Friday, December 15, 2006
Now what purpose will comment aggregation serve?
Offhand, that just sounds like comment syndication. But its usefulness still evades me. Then again, if people aggregate news, perhaps there is some value in aggregating comments.
Offhand, that just sounds like comment syndication. But its usefulness still evades me. Then again, if people aggregate news, perhaps there is some value in aggregating comments.
Enters Commentosphere, an application sitting on ning.com which by the way can be integrated with Blogger. Code snippets are here. Thanks to Stephen Paul Weber.
In online teaching, the teacher is center (?!)
Something tells me that there is something wrong with that inq7.net "news" article. I just can't seem to place it. Then again, perhaps it's just the title.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
The Social Software effects
... will continue to move in high gear.
And David Teten and Scott Allen of Fast Company see 10 key implications. In no particular order, they come down to the following:
"long tail" | "prosumer power" | "forever beta" | "Pro-am revolution" |"visible dialogues" | "focused social networks" |"sharp communication skills" | "pervasive personalization" |"native computer skills" | "visible professional (in)competence"
Need I say more?
... will continue to move in high gear.
And David Teten and Scott Allen of Fast Company see 10 key implications. In no particular order, they come down to the following:
"long tail" | "prosumer power" | "forever beta" | "Pro-am revolution" |"visible dialogues" | "focused social networks" |"sharp communication skills" | "pervasive personalization" |"native computer skills" | "visible professional (in)competence"
Need I say more?
Seems like some African countries are poised ...
... to leapfrog some Asian Countries in the use of ICT (if the shoe fits...)
Read more here.
... to leapfrog some Asian Countries in the use of ICT (if the shoe fits...)
Read more here.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Spreadsheets smackdown
Zoho Sheet vs.GoogleSpreadsheets vs. EditGrid vs. ...
Seems like the loser is ... uhm Excel?
Zoho Sheet vs.GoogleSpreadsheets vs. EditGrid vs. ...
A list of the contenders is here. Here's how they all play out (Using EditGrid). No fair? See for yourself here.
A bit of trivia. I am told that EditGrid was developed in Hong Kong in 2003. I wouldn't be surprised if students from a Uni were involved in this product.
Seems like the loser is ... uhm Excel?
Help with translating cucumis.org interface
into Tagalog ...
I am posting this in the hope that I could get some kind-hearted Pinoys to help in translating some files of Cucumis.org - a Social Network devoted to translating languages.
Just holler out so I can send parts of the files your way.
into Tagalog ...
I am posting this in the hope that I could get some kind-hearted Pinoys to help in translating some files of Cucumis.org - a Social Network devoted to translating languages.
Just holler out so I can send parts of the files your way.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Saturday, December 09, 2006
How can viewers help upgrade local (Read: Filipino) entertainment?
So asks Nestor Torre here. He noticed for example that "Filipinos make up one of the most passive and accepting audiences in the world."
Here's my prescription. Go to YouTube and be creators instead of just being consumers.
So asks Nestor Torre here. He noticed for example that "Filipinos make up one of the most passive and accepting audiences in the world."
Here's my prescription. Go to YouTube and be creators instead of just being consumers.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Word of the Day: Friending
*Reference to MySpace
More of that in danah boyd's paper: "Friends, friendsters, and top 8*: Writing community into being on social network sites" via Cory Doctorow.
*Reference to MySpace
Attention Economics
or how to move from the science to the art (of economics)
Now, when you hear/read the phrase "It's the economy, stupid!" doesn't that sound more like "Mind the gap!"?
or how to move from the science to the art (of economics)
John Hagel writes a rather thought-provoking, more like intuition- triggering, piece which makes me conclude (IMHO) how the economics of the product (information included) is steadily giving way to the economics of attention (Think: YouTube). More here. Thanks to Alexander Osterwalder
Now, when you hear/read the phrase "It's the economy, stupid!" doesn't that sound more like "Mind the gap!"?
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Personal Branding Checklist
Incidentally, I think I am safe on item #5 "Have a Blog / Website / MySpace, or other online presence".
I thought I'd have to start this from scratch but this article from Jesse Warden validates the argument: "Why reinvent the wheel?" Funny though that I found this when I googled the keywords [managerial skillset checklist] for some other purpose.
Incidentally, I think I am safe on item #5 "Have a Blog / Website / MySpace, or other online presence".
Some updates on a couple of Social Software Apps
- Elggspaces is completely free (in exchange for Google adsense) with 1 Gb of space for file uploads
- Twitter supports IM.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Queen's English not so high brow any more
Thanks to Jonathan Harrington's analysis. According to him: "We may be able to relate it to changes in the class structure." More here.
No need to cringe at Pacquiao's English then.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Now let's talk about Mobile Social Software
aka Mososo
Latest app I discovered is called Jaiku.
Its 'About Page' says:
aka Mososo
Latest app I discovered is called Jaiku.
Its 'About Page' says:
Jaiku's main goal is to bring people closer together by enabling them to share their presence. For us, presence is about everyday things as they happen - what you're up to, how you're feeling, where you're going. We offer a way to connect with the people you care about by sharing presence updates with them on the Web and mobile.
I'd like to call this the economics of sharing

This seems like an interesting read.
technorati tags:openbusinesssmodel, innovation
Blogged with Flock
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Sometimes we take this for granted...
but there are a whole lot of people who still don't know a thing or two about basic HTML. Perhaps because of push button publishing, people just "learn drive without knowing what's under the hood". Frankly, time and again, I still get inquiries for help on how to do HTML from digital immigrants. So let me share a couple of resources: HTML Goodies is an all-time favorite. Now, if your internet access is unrealiable, you can just opt to download/unzip this and work offline. I call it Web Design in 20 minutes.
Friday, December 01, 2006
How trivial can one get?
Twitter, yet another social software, addresses the need to show friends and strangers what one is currently doing (I wonder where this fits in Maslow's hierarchy of needs). Must everyone else find out what brand underpants you are wearing?
Regardless, I still registered to take it for a spin. Could be as close as one could get to discerning desire lines (Read: PR and Marketing applications).
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