Random ruminations of an Evolutionary Technologist (a.k.a. Edublogger) who believes that "It's not what you take but what you leave behind..." Fun part of that could put him in good company with the likes of Benjamin Franklin, Eisenhower, JFK, John Lennon and Steven Spielberg. Longer list is here. Serious part is that he also focusses on Technology, Economics and Society.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Ustream channel of the presentation:
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
aka how do students in De La Salle-Canlubang discover, disclose, connect and co-create learning?
Figure 1: people@dlscanlubang.org

Figure 2 below demonstrates how the technology more commonly known as Real Simple Syndication (RSS) gives the user the ability to be on top things of interest thereby offering the latest updates in a personalized fashion.
Now by filling in suitable fields in a user’s profile, the owner indicates which attributes best describe him or her to the rest of the community. Some systems give to the user the flexibility of disclosing as much or as little, depending on the suitable level of comfort.
Connecting is something that Friendster, one of the pioneers of Social Network Sites in the early decade of the century, has widely popularized. The ability to invite friends online and get invitations confirmed in a two-way friendship loop gave rise to the practice of “Friending”.
Figure 4: Friends
Through what is commonly called tagging, Social Network Sites confer to the users the ability to put some loose categorization of learning objects. The image below shows what is called a tag cloud. It’s an aggregation of ‘popular’ labels used on learning artifacts and the system works to highlight the ‘relative importance’ of the items according to font size.
Figure 5: Tags and Folksonomies
The implication of all these resonates with David Warlick (2007): "students stop being mirrors, and instead become amplifiers. Their job is not merely to reflect what they encounter, but to add value to it. Content and skills are no longer the end product, but they become raw materials, with which students learn to work and play and share. Information is captured by the learner, processed, added to, remixed, and then shared back, to be captured by another learner/teacher and reprocessed."
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Then perhaps you can do e-business. Here's one step. (You need to be logged in.)
But don't ask me about payment mechanisms, I'm still trying to figure that one out.
Thanks to Manny Pacquiao.
An aside: Seems like html coding is becoming an obsolete skill.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
aka some valuable lessons from Ross Mayfield.
Sounds good. Resonates with "Getting ready for the Friendster Generation."
[via Larry Cannell]
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Bernhard Warner doesn't think so. He actually marvels at the purposive creativity and coding skills of his students despite the broad disruption that Social Network Sites bring to the school environment.
Makes some sense. After all, learning also happens outside of the school setting.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Friday, March 07, 2008
Just my take on Steve Hargadon's recent post.
The printing press is about n; the Internet is about n+ 2^n + n^2.
I like that part which goes: “The Answer to Information Overload Is to Produce More Information.”
[via Jeff VanDrimmelen]
Sunday, March 02, 2008
I've been writing about Web 2.0 for close to 4 years now. Then I realized I've not really described it enough to give an ordinary Website reader a good sense of a typical look and feel of a Web 2.0 site. Good thing someone has done that for me in 12 ways. Slayerment puts it like a prescription on how to "Web2fy" a site:
"1. Replace esomething.com with MYsomething.com
Your web site is not web 2.0 if it has some lame "e" in front of it. We all know your web site is electronic! Let's make it personal with a friendly "my" :).
2. Increase 10px font to at least 12-16px font
Nobody likes squinting their eyes, and no it doesn't look good. Get rid of the small text and replace it with some easy reading text for us productive people.
3. Change categories to tags
Why would somebody want to read your site if it's categorized into specific sections? Your content should be dynamically tagged so everyone can keep track of which is more and less important. Get a tag cloud!
4. Change your news section to a blog
People want to know what's going on with your company besides just formal news. Write something thats cool, funny, stupid, whatever! 1/2 the battle is keeping the audience entertained.
5. Change email a friend to RSS subscriptions
When was the last time you emailed a friend? Have you ever used it? Me neither. Get rid of that worthless feature and get people subscribing to your site via RSS or even...
6. Change bookmark this to social network this
With sites like del.icio.us and Digg you should not be having people bookmarking your site only for themselves to see it. Get your site out there in front of everyone with social bookmarking and networking!
7. Change user account to user profile
Nobody wants a boring user page with just their username and email (Yes, I'm talking to you Amazon). They want a full blown personal page that tracks their whole life and tells the world about how great they are. Get your users involved!
8. Change crappy hard-coded HTML to Semantic HTML with CSS
Your design is cool and all but how do you update it? How do you change it? How does it allow for new content to be added (which is the most important part!)? Get rid of your angst ridden layout and get some semantic HTML styled by CSS in there that is super light and better for everyone - please!
9. It's visitors not HITS!
Once again, this is not the 80's and we don't care about your hits! All that matters is the visitors (Yes, short for unique visitors) and the conversions. Get some Google Analytics on there and stop with the hits talk already.
10. Add comments
People want to contribute and share. Let them! It's better for your users and for your search engines.
11. Change esite.com?id=5235&sort=desc&useless=this &one%20more=still%20useless TO.. mysite.com/meaningful-title
Need I say more?
12. Change custom built site to open source CMS
Come to think about it, just get rid of your whole site and download Drupal or Wordpress and start rocking some free theme. After all, people really don't care what your site looks like that much. They would much rather visit to a terrible looking site with compelling content than a beautiful site with pitiful content. Do it right!"
So if you're wondering what site could benefit from those steps, perhaps the Asian Business Directory.