Random ruminations of an Evolutionary Technologist (a.k.a. Edublogger) who believes that "It's not what you take but what you leave behind..." Fun part of that could put him in good company with the likes of Benjamin Franklin, Eisenhower, JFK, John Lennon and Steven Spielberg. Longer list is here. Serious part is that he also focusses on Technology, Economics and Society.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Simple Wish for Christmas, 2009

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
OLPC and eKindling Philippines Rural Deployment

This is a first in the Philippines. So much to do, but NOT necessarily so little time, if you believe in the power of collaboration.
After all, it takes a village to raise a child, right?
Read more about OLPC and eKindling in the Philippines.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Asian University Digital Resourse Network

This would normally fall under microblogging as a matter of status updates. Anyway, we are currently working on the website of the Asian University Digital Resource Network (AUDRN). It's a network which aims to promote sharing of digital tools and practices around local knowledge among digital librarians and information scientists.
This ground-breaking initiative is supported by the United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia (UBCHEA) and is hosted in Miriam College through the L.E.A.D. Center.
Listen to the quick introduction about AUDRN.
Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Indeed, we can only hope this inspires more people to take ideas worth sharing to the next level. Read more about Alain Yap's "Five Best Things about TEDxManila."
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
A true hero is measured ...

Saturday, October 17, 2009
Blog Action Day Yesterday

Your participation helped change the conversation and showed the power of the web to connect people across the world who despite their varied backgrounds have one shared desire: to make a difference. According to blogpulse, we increased the number of posts about climate change on a given day by 500%, and CNN wrote a great article covering the excitement and diversity of today's event across the web and around the world.
A full recap is up on our blog, and here are some highlights:
We hit 31,000 total trackable blog posts, and our current estimate is that together we reached at least 17.9 million people yesterday. We just exceeded 13,000 registered bloggers on the site and are working to get all of you who posted but haven't yet registered into the final count.
We had at least three major world governments as active participants in this year's event. United Kingdom Prime Minister Gordon Brown posted the first Blog Action Day entry in Britain at the stroke of midnight on the 15th, which was followed by Foreign Minister David Milliband and many others from the UK stationed around the world. The PSOE governing party of Spain hosted a bloggers event focused on climate change and transformed their website for the day to promote Blog Action Day. And late in the day, President Barack Obama's White House blog joined in become part of the global movement of bloggers shaking the web.
Of course, well-known bloggers were a big presence yesterday as well:
- The Official Google Blog gave a green tour of the company's campus;
- Mashable asked what you're doing to reverse climate change;
- The Unofficial Apple Weblog suggested "Five apps to help save the world";
- Treehugger gave us two simple things that could, by themselves, stop climate change;
- Global Voices posted a roundup of bloggers from around the world writing in many languages;
- Gadling spent the whole day posting about green travel;
- BlogHer covered the road to the next international climate negotations in Copehagen.
There are many more, and we encourage you to check out the Featured Posts on the blogactionday.org homepage for a longer list of some of the world's largest blogs.
Many of our nonprofit partners, leading organizations from around the world, were also actively involved in making the event a success:
- TckTckTck released a beautiful and touching new video;
- Greenpeace bloggers from around the world joined in;
- World Wildlife Fund featured Blog Action Day on their international climate blog;
- Oxfam helped emphasize the human side of the climate crisis;
- 1Sky wrote about the front lines of political activism in the US;
- The Nature Conservancy helped us understand the science of climate change;
- NRDC's Switchboard bloggers wrote informative posts all day;
- Consequence wrote a whole series of posts on youth climate leadership.
You should all feel proud of this remarkable collective effort. And it doesn't have to end today. For many, we hope this serves as an entry point into the broader movement to address the issue of climate change. There are a number of ways and some amazing organizations through which you can continue to remain involved, and we encourage you to check out our Take Action section to learn more. "
Monday, September 07, 2009
Eee PC just gave me a platform to talk about it

Where else but via its myeeepcmylife blog site.
I know I've just about abandoned blogging -- thanks to the growing popularity of presence tools (Read: micro-blogging). So you would pretty much "see" me often on Twitter and/or Facebook.
And yes, I've just been woken up from blogging slumber. Want to know why? Read more at my Eee PC blog.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Educator.com: Equalizing education

Educator.com styles itself as a pioneering E-Learning startup looking to equalize education. Its Twitter profile says it specializes in Algebra, Biology, Calculus, Chemistry, Java, Statistics.
I did a quick look at its main website and for Mathematics alone, it currently has 34 course offerings in Mathematics.
The Educator.com experience seems designed to recreate the live tutoring experience on to the internet. For example, a middle interface video lets the readers know exactly what's being explained while keeping an eye on the lecturer. If users need help in any of the scholastic subjects they offer, Educator.com sounds like a blessing to them. The site is currently still in expanding mode as the people behind it are getting more professors to fill in the subject such as physics, trigonometry, and more advanced topics like calculus.
Educator thus looks like it should be a must for those looking for the best scholastic content on the Web.
Here are a couple of samples:
First up, learn chemistry will take you to Advanced Placement Chemistry which is being run under Dr. Harold Goldwhite.
His background and the scope of the course follow:
"University of Cambridge educated (Ph.D and B.A.) Dr. Harold Goldwhite guides you through Educator's Chemistry course. Professor Goldwhite has taught all over the world, from 46 years in Los Angeles, to several years in England, and visiting professorships in France, Mexico, and Venezuela. His experience on the History Channel and vast knowledge of chemistry transform his lectures into an informative and fascinating journey with a comprehensive syllabus that covers standard and accelerated one year courses. Topics range from Atomic Theory, Chemical Reactions, Bonds, Kinetics, Acids and Bases, Thermodynamics, Electrochemistry, to Radioactivity. Each lecture is accompanied by multiple examples for each new idea and detailed notes of things to remember."
Next up, learn calculus leads you to the online class of Professor Murray. More below:
UC Berkeley (Ph.D) and Georgetown (B.S.) educated Dr. William Murray instructs Educator's Calculus II course covering from Advanced Integration Techniques and Applications of Integrals to Sequences/Series. Professor Murray demonstrates his extensive teaching experience by clarifying complicated topics with a wide array of examples, helpful tips, and time-saving tricks. Will's course is essential to those struggling with Calculus who would benefit from clear explanations and examples of common problems. Each video lecture is accompanied by several worked-out video examples and important notes to prepare for any examination.
There's a whole lot more but you may wish to quickly search the site for quality learning wherever, whenever.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Social network + online store = Sandbox

Most usually come within my online attention radar. This time, I came across Sandbox via a huge billboard among a bunch of others along the stretch of Highway 54 in Makati, EDSA to the younger generation.
Ok so I ask myself what else is new? You've seen one with a lot of videos. And another with a lot of pictures, and yet another one with loads of music. What else could be different with Sandbox? Perhaps, the following?
To the younger set it could be a provider of services like friendster but with online store.
To the more mature and sophisticated netizens, it could very well be a source of services like facebook but with online store.
Then again, probably the best thing that makes Sandbox different from other websites, is:
It's an online store that allows you to download music, games and movie-themed content to your mobile.
Hold on, give me time to create a new account and go through the cycle again. And good thing there are open APIs. You don't have to really abandon your other SNS so long as the accounts could cross-connect.
[Edit] - After creating an account and doing the usual validation steps, (Note: They are rather particularly stringent about the usrn@me + p@ssword specs.), I was taken to the site. One thing that caught my attention, the right-hand side application icons that move like those of the Mac during Mouse hover. Will give myself more time to explore its digisoria section. Looks interesting.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
It's ok here

Currently, the site is on very active mode, to wit:
Post an Ad for FREE and WIN Big Prizes!
Weekly prizes: HP Mini-note, Sony Digicam, and iPod Touch
Friday, April 24, 2009
For those following posts on Ad Astra

Blogging could perhaps give way to micro-blogging for now.
Follow @joelogs
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Kairos has patiently waited on me

Get RSS results here.
For a moment there, it all seemed like a result of random collaboration.
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Immersive gaming: Where is your reality?

More of the serious stuff here.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Nowhere to go but up?

Better yet, what happened to the American Dream?
This is part of Slate's Shoot the Recession Project.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Just so I can catch up ...

... on my blogging, I'll just piggyback, for now, on Michael de Percy's post about "New Media and the Future."
Monday, March 09, 2009
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Got cars, no buyers.

So where will all those cars go?
"Japanese carmakers slash production by up to 50%. Thus reports the Guardian. This seems like a smart strategy (for now).
Am told that Toyota even had to rent a ship to store 2,500 cars off the Swedish port of Malmö.
See more photos of growing stocks of unsold cars worldwide here.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Headway School for Giftedness and 21st Century Learning

Just parking a work-in-progress. HSG's website will undergo a major revamp. Will keep you posted. Meanwhile, you may be interested to read this article about 21st Century Learning.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Google Linux on your PC

Wow! Yes, that's what Jack Wallen's article seems to be trying to elicit from his readers. More here. I wonder who's running scared.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
How does Google return a search about kids and Philippines?

aka SEO basics.
Technically, the link kids Philippines should be able to show us the results.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Plagiarism or Reference?

Don't know about you but I'm aware that even just hotlinking an image is largely frowned upon. Read the larger context here.
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
Call her $erena

Williams sets female athlete mark: $23 million, a record for career prize money by a female athlete. Not bad for someone who collected her first check of $240 from a tennis event in Canada in 1995. More here.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Is it the coffee or the ambience?

Don't know about you but I'd like to believe that coffee should not be expensive. Now if I'm not mistaken then perhaps that partly explains why "Starbucks will close 300 more stores, and lay off 6,700 workers". Or is it solely because of worldwide recession? So who is your coffee?
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Is this a promise or a threat?

Kevin Merritt, the CEO and founder of blist, a Web-based list manager and spreadsheet that was used on Change.gov, the Obama Administration's transition Website writes about how Obama will be using Social Media to create an open and participatory channel to his constituents.
Could be a "good" model for other politicians? Read more here.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Didn't know I was a business innovator ...

... until I stumbled upon "We Are Smarter than Me".
The wiki-driven book, by Barry Libert (also co-author of Barack, Inc.) and John Spector, says:
"[It] is itself the product of an extraordinary collaboration of Wharton, MIT and thousands of business innovators, worldwide. Drawing on their collective "in the trenches" experience, the wearesmarter.org community reveals what works, and what doesn't, when you are building community into your decision making and business processes."
Friday, January 16, 2009
One reason to look beyond email

There's a better way to act on urgent requests for help.
Picture this:
"Hello, How are you doing? i had sent you an email earlier today,please i need your urgent assistance, I had traveled to Nigeria for a conference , Unfortunately for me all my money and other items were stolen at the hotel where i lodged and i cannot call anyone because i lost my phone where phone numbers were kept also there is no money on me to make calls, nobody even know where i am now, I am so confused right now, I don't know what to do or where to go,I have access to only emails, No phone Please kindly loan me 1500 Dollars and also send it by western union to me with the below details NAME:
Perhaps this should have been titled "How to spot a Nigerian Scam."
More about scams here.
Friday, January 09, 2009
Cheney says no one saw financial crisis coming

I think the younger generation readers would call this Rick roll'd? Or is it bait and switch?