Saturday, October 17, 2009

Blog Action Day Yesterday

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Missed the deadline but not the "aftermath" of the deadline. Still, I consider myself a part of this.

Here's an update from's Robin Beck:

"Yesterday you and bloggers in 155 countries across six continents wrote about a single issue that impacts us all, and turned Blog Action Day 2009 into one of the largest social change events ever held on the web.

Your participation helped change the conversation and showed the power of the web to connect people across the world who despite their varied backgrounds have one shared desire: to make a difference. According to blogpulse, we increased the number of posts about climate change on a given day by 500%, and CNN wrote a great article covering the excitement and diversity of today's event across the web and around the world.

A full recap is up on our blog, and here are some highlights:

We hit 31,000 total trackable blog posts, and our current estimate is that together we reached at least 17.9 million people yesterday. We just exceeded 13,000 registered bloggers on the site and are working to get all of you who posted but haven't yet registered into the final count.

We had at least three major world governments as active participants in this year's event. United Kingdom Prime Minister Gordon Brown posted the first Blog Action Day entry in Britain at the stroke of midnight on the 15th, which was followed by Foreign Minister David Milliband and many others from the UK stationed around the world. The PSOE governing party of Spain hosted a bloggers event focused on climate change and transformed their website for the day to promote Blog Action Day. And late in the day, President Barack Obama's White House blog joined in become part of the global movement of bloggers shaking the web.

Of course, well-known bloggers were a big presence yesterday as well:

  • The Official Google Blog gave a green tour of the company's campus;
  • Mashable asked what you're doing to reverse climate change;
  • The Unofficial Apple Weblog suggested "Five apps to help save the world";
  • Treehugger gave us two simple things that could, by themselves, stop climate change;
  • Global Voices posted a roundup of bloggers from around the world writing in many languages;
  • Gadling spent the whole day posting about green travel;
  • BlogHer covered the road to the next international climate negotations in Copehagen.

There are many more, and we encourage you to check out the Featured Posts on the homepage for a longer list of some of the world's largest blogs.

Many of our nonprofit partners, leading organizations from around the world, were also actively involved in making the event a success:

  • TckTckTck released a beautiful and touching new video;
  • Greenpeace bloggers from around the world joined in;
  • World Wildlife Fund featured Blog Action Day on their international climate blog;
  • Oxfam helped emphasize the human side of the climate crisis;
  • 1Sky wrote about the front lines of political activism in the US;
  • The Nature Conservancy helped us understand the science of climate change;
  • NRDC's Switchboard bloggers wrote informative posts all day;
  • Consequence wrote a whole series of posts on youth climate leadership.

You should all feel proud of this remarkable collective effort. And it doesn't have to end today. For many, we hope this serves as an entry point into the broader movement to address the issue of climate change. There are a number of ways and some amazing organizations through which you can continue to remain involved, and we encourage you to check out our Take Action section to learn more. "