But preserving history and culture shouldn't be difficult with Web 2.0. Just add "tuba".
Random ruminations of an Evolutionary Technologist (a.k.a. Edublogger) who believes that "It's not what you take but what you leave behind..." Fun part of that could put him in good company with the likes of Benjamin Franklin, Eisenhower, JFK, John Lennon and Steven Spielberg. Longer list is here. Serious part is that he also focusses on Technology, Economics and Society.
Friday, April 28, 2006
But preserving history and culture shouldn't be difficult with Web 2.0. Just add "tuba".
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Ran across an alphabetical listing (with Chinese equivalent) of "universal" aphorisms. Some examples follow. I took the liberty of inserting the Filipino "translation".
A bad thing never dies. 好人不长寿,祸害遗千年。 Masamang damo'y di namamatay.
A leopard cannot change his spots. 江山易改,本性难移。 Pagputi ng uwak. Pagitim ng tagak.
As you sow, so shall you reap. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。Kung anong tinanim ay sya ring aanihin.
Here's the source.
I have uploaded my presentation in the iBlog2 summit last April 18, 2006 at UP College of Law. Nothing fancy, about 3 Mb mostly of Web 2.0 screenshots in pdf format. It traces my blogventure from an occasional blogging butterfly to an obssessive blogging bumble bee. Click here to download.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
CommunityTraveler Launches New Website that Reforms the Travel Information Industry.
"CommunityTraveler is a free independent travel community powered by the community for the community. Passionate independent travelers share their real world travel experiences, advice, tips and stories through their own travel blogs and guides on CommunityTraveler, enabling the community to become smarter and be more informed travelers." Here's the Web 2.0 travel portal.
Who needs WOW Philipppines? This means more savings for the National Budget. I wonder where the savings would go.
Programmable web is up and running (Have I been living under a rock?)
Touts itself as having the ability in "Keeping you up to date with the latest on mashups and the new Web 2.0 APIs". Even has a stats-with-matching-line- graph section to give you an idea of how mash-ups and APIs have grown over time.
Tools are pretty intuitive. You can deploy a FKM project on the fly. Just add social interaction.
That is implicit in Barry Graubart's "Social Software: The Rebirth of Knowledge Management."
Former is objective and reductionist, the latter subjective, holistic and existential.
Here's a February 2001 article by Robert T McFetridge and Geoff Howell
that attempts to make some sense of it. Worth reading.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Especially if you want to preserve it.
- economic growth and democratic discourse
- network neutrality
- innovation and progress
- openness and accessibility
Follow the discussion at Whynot.net here. Good one JP.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
"Dictionary of everything" says that it is "from the phonetic form of the word "elite", [and] is a cipher, or novel form of English spelling. It is characterized by the use of non-alphabetic characters to stand for letters bearing a superficial resemblance, and by a number of spelling changes such as the substitution of "z" for final "s" and "x" for "(c)k" or "(c)ks"
F0r 7h053 0b53553d w17h 50-c4ll3d-3xp3r75, W1k1p3d14 h45 4n 4r71cl3 4b0u7, click >>> 1337. via uncyclopedia
Now is there a p1noyl335p34k?
Friday, April 21, 2006
So thinks Board of Supervisors chief Bill Postmus. I am not into manga but I wonder what drove this fellow to ban Manga: 60 Years of Japanese Comics from public libraries in San Bernardino, CA. Got this piece from boingboing.net. More here.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Now to enrich my "KM and Folk Knowledge: Lessons from Social Software" paper...
Dmitri Popov talks about an open-source alternative to del.icio.us in his article "Social bookmarking with Scuttle".
He offers a simple recipe to migrate from the proprietary to the open source. (Read: Just add PHP and MySQL.)
One feature that could be music to my ears (literally), Scuttle comes with an MP3/Ogg player. Wicked!
His conclusion:- "It's impossible not to like Scuttle: it not only offers most of del.icio.us' functionality, but also sports useful additions that makes it suitable for individual users and workgroups alike. If you ever wanted to set up your own bookmarking system, Scuttle is just the ticket." More here.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Just presented (in one day) two separate papers on Social Software. Will post the link to the Powerpoint slides soon. For the humble effort, I got Certificates of Appreciation from two top schools in the Philippines. Got me wondering, I could have, should have, would have presented to the third (well not in an ordinal sense) top school. Nice to have them all side by side.
Monday, April 17, 2006
When students' projects help provoke the evolution of Instructables.com. Partly inspired by the Oreo Dunking Cup of my students Lahaina and Italy Rose, instructables.com acknowledged the need to accommodate posting and tagging of ideas. Click here for more. Indeed, small shifts can sometimes make a huge difference.
Sunday, April 16, 2006

Worth1000.com is currently running the Childhood Renaissance 3 contest. Rules of the game: "Show the works of the art masters (sculptures, sketches, and paintings are all fine) as though they were created by the masters when they were children. For example, little Leo would have submitted the image below to show his potential. Click here for more ideas.

Thursday, April 13, 2006
If you do not know what tag loops are, you may count yourself in. Just thought I'd share this.
Unlock your potential with tizag.com. "Tizag was designed to teach beginner web programmers how to use HTML and CSS." They even have an html viewer, so you can learn coding on the fly.
Category: web design
How do you confer enough collaborative persistence to a blogged idea to bring it to its logical conclusion? What's the use of blikis (hybrid blog/wiki)?
Problem looking for a solution. Solution looking for a problem.
Yet Aaron Junod once thought of a "package [that] could aggregate posts from a number of blogs, and then render the text as being wiki minded." He imagines it as having an element of "crossposting, but with a pull methodology." That was in February 1, 2005. Now, we have Co.mments.com. Hmm,makes me wonder.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Jason Banico of Yehey.com fame has just created Asiarati.com. The site blurb says: "Asiarati is a place where you can share knowledge on Asian countries. The site is built by contributors like you who are passionate about what they know, and would like to share it to others."
Sounds to me like a wiki/blog mash-up. More here.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Take your pick: Youtube or Grouper.
Actually depends on your specific needs.
Youtube Director now gives you the ability to promote your videos for commercial purposes.
Grouper is still in the introductory stage. More for fun. Accepts 3gp files. And allows easy downloads into PSP and Ipod video too.
Incidentally you can create your own version of youtube in videos.ning.com. I am still experimenting with the functionalities. Now if only I could marry the features of youtube and grouper.
When Big Brother is not entertaining anymore.
When your IP is logged as part of cookies.
When logogle.com is ordered to shut down.

because parodies erode the business value of the "#1" search engine's identity.
Good thing we still have 007Google.com. For how long? Your guess is as good as mine.
Sunday, April 09, 2006

Here's another one. Just arguing a case for FK using Social Software. It can be multimodal, e.g. image, text, video and audio. Now how is rice cooked in Bontoc? Thanks to Andy Zapata Jr, and philstar.com for the foto.

Just thought I'd share this. Palm Sunday. Moment of Palaspas-making zen. Thanks to inq7.net for the image.
Full description is here. Just add patience, fresh install of windows and a good internet connection. Thanks to Jay Barnson of Rampant Games.
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Web 2.0 is Read/Write Web. You can write a journal, write collaboratively, upload: photos, videos, audio files, you can build networks. So you can have accounts in blogger, pbwiki, fickr, youtube, odeo, etc. We are not even talking about technorati, del.icio.us, and the like. But how much is enough?
For that matter, what is Web 2.0? Non-plussed? I'm not surprised.
"Even wikipedia isn’t really sure if web2.0 is more than a collection of technologies that have been in place for ages…" Amarjit even wonders too.
An online video show on DIY tech for girls which according to Wired news is a new web-based show [that] encourages young women to tune in and associate DIY less
with bread making and more with breadboard wiring. Site is called Switch. Aka Turning girls on to technology. Thanks to Xeni Jardin of Boingboing!
This kind of demonstrates my concept of promoting the use of Social Software in KM of Folk Knowledge.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Would it make sense to return to the basics? Like barter or swap meets?
Now comes, Swap-bot. "Swaps Made Simple The easiest way to create and join swaps on the internet"
Well just for the heck of it. You don't even need hyperinflation. Check it out here.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Ran into Rice Bowl Journals (an asian online journal community) and felt the usual urge to expand my ties (Read: share). Guess what? The joining requisites were a tad stricter than your average garden variety community website. In particular, they wanted a B&W foto of me. But my "official" blogger foto wouldn't cut it, not to mention that I was too lazy to launch a Photo editing software for such a simple task as converting a foto to B&W. So I fired a google search of [convert "black and white" photo online]
Inventors claim that their Blackfin Handyboard-bot is semi-autonomous. Could perhaps be good for drunken drivers. Here's the link.
Monday, April 03, 2006
Here's the link.
Too bad the service is no longer available in the Philippines.
Then there was a symposium of the Economics of Open Content in January 23-24, 2006.
Now, I am told that mp3 files of the discussion sessions are "open" for downloads. In the spirit of openness, Boingboing.net naturally shared the link. Here's more.
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Ulises Mejias pulls no punches when he writes "What's Social About Social Software: Unpacking some of the concepts inherent in social software" He's got a valid point. Web 2.0, 3.0, ... Social Software. What is in a label? For the most part, Mejias echoes Bruno Latour's frame of mind by summarizing the latter's latest book, Reassembling the social: An introduction to actor-network-theory (2005, Oxford University Press)" Here's more.
This was cross-posted in Pinoyweb2.com.
Lassen iQ FAT16 Datalogger + Google Earth = Big Brother
Remember to keep this away from control freaks, please.
Here's an example for Windows XP.
Warning: Make sure you know how to configure Windows PC operating system and registry settings.