Sunday, September 24, 2006

Web page as art.

Very interesting way to look at your website. Tells you whether a website is primarily underpinned by structure (Yahoo: left) or by content (boingboing: right). Here's the source. Will post mine soon.

1 comment:

JP Loh said...

It's more on markup actually.

Yahoo is still using tables for its layout (bad). Boing boing is using CSS and block-level sections (good). The former is bad because tables weren't meant for layouting. It also causes the page to load longer (waiting for the whole table information complete [IE only]).

Therefore, less red and more green means that your website is properly crafted. Exceptions to pages that really has lots of tables (with the proper use, i.e. reports,etc).

This is a good graphic representation though. You could see the graph grow as it parses the page (checked DLS-C's website because it was supposed to be tableless until the design was murdered with tables). I find it funny that the code comment that we left, "This is a beta site", is still there.

I'd like to see a graph that follows links up to the sixth degree.