Tuesday, January 03, 2006

This partially supports my regard for Social Software as primarily social than software.

According to Russel Mc'Ormond:

Software being a set of rules that govern technologies such as computers makes this discipline far closer to a social science than being a technology itself. To understand the influence of software on our lives, and how we can influence software, requires that we look at it as if it were a type of politics.


Still more from me.

1 comment:

Joel said...

An earlier, peer-reviewed work speaks of ASN. In "The Augmented Social Network: Building identity and trust into the next-generation Internet", Ken Jordan, Jan Hauser, and Steven Foster pose the following questions:
Could the next generation of online communications strengthen civil society by better connecting people to others with whom they share affinities, so they can more effectively exchange information and self-organize? Could such a system help to revitalize democracy in the 21st century? Read more.