Thursday, September 20, 2007

4 Pillars of Education+ 2D2C = 21st Century Lifelong Learning

Below are excerpts from "Learning: The Treasure Within. UNESCO report on Education for the 21st Century" loosely plotted on Discover, Disclose, Connect, Co-create.

  1. Learning to live together (Co-create) "which involves developing an understanding for fellow people, for their history, traditions and spiritual values. This pillar enables people to develop a new awareness which - based on an understanding of our growing interdependence and a joint analysis of future risks and challenges - leads people into carrying out joint projects and solving insurmountable conflicts in an intelligent and peaceful way."
  2. Learning how to acquire knowledge. (Discover) "Against a background in which technological changes are coming thick and fast and in which new economic and social patterns are forming, the main focus is on making sure that general education is as wide as possible and that people can go on to deepen their knowledge in selected subjects. Indeed, this kind of general education is the key to a life-long process of learning. It whets people's appetite to learn over a lifetime - while at the same time providing the foundations to do so."
  3. Learning how to act. (Connect) "This pillar is not just about doing a job but, in general terms, about acquiring the skills to cope with different and often unforeseen situations and about learning how to work in a team. Indeed, it is these characteristics that current educational methods tend to neglect. In many cases it is easer for pupils and students to learn these competencies if they are given the opportunity to try out and develop their skills. It's about enabling people to get work experience and community work while they are still in education. Indeed, a great deal of importance should be attached to all methods that mix education with experience."
  4. Learning for life. (Disclose) "This was the issue at the heart of the Edgar-Faure report called how we learn to live, which was part of the UNESCO report on the objectives and future of our education programs, published in 1972 by UNESCO. The recommendations of this report are still relevant today. Indeed, in the 21st century everyone will be required to demonstrate independence, judgment and more personal responsibility if common objectives are to be reached. Our report also underlines another requirement, namely that none of the talents lying dormant like hidden treasures in every individual should be allowed to go unused. These talents, to name but a few, include: memory, logical thought, imagination, physical ability, an aesthetic sense, the ability to communicate and the natural charisma of a group leader. In actual fact these abilities only serve in underlining the importance of more self-knowledge."
Adapted from dadalos.


claudia said...

Nice article! simple to the point and very relevant to education. Good job!

Joel said...

Thanks! Here's a broader take on Skills for 21st Century Learners from Christopher Sessums.