The Mobius Strip
More of the paradox.
Random ruminations of an Evolutionary Technologist (a.k.a. Edublogger) who believes that "It's not what you take but what you leave behind..." Fun part of that could put him in good company with the likes of Benjamin Franklin, Eisenhower, JFK, John Lennon and Steven Spielberg. Longer list is here. Serious part is that he also focusses on Technology, Economics and Society.
Warning: Cut the bum cord not the real one. More of the trick and other wikiHows here."Here's a cool trick you can do to a friend's iPod. You will interrupt someone listening to their iPod, then "cut" their ear bud cord. While they're busy yelling at you, you magically put it back together with a simple gesture. The secret to this trick is in what you are cutting. You will have a secret loop of cord in your hand, with which you will sneakily replace the other cord."