Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Inchoate co-creation

This is not exactly symmetric collaboration, yet might be worth pursuing as a simple proof of concept. Jester-in-exile took a challenge and wrote an intriguing piece that is worth what lawyers in Manila might call "technical SEO". Not that the term implies something illegal.

You'll have to read his post on Link Love and Meet Love: A Post on Online/ Offline Dynamics to get the full flavor. Now to respond in kind, I felt compelled to do this. Yet I wouldn't mind anyway, not primarily because of Google Page Rank considerations but because that post breaks new ground in "online/offline SEO". Could be a useful concept for enriching discussions/involvement in IT-enabled classrooms.

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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Online media converter

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Originally uploaded by joelogs.
Thought I'd share this:

A lot of formats are supported. Main formats are :

# Raw text, HTML, XHTML, Microsoft Word, RTF, PDF, PS, Open Office, Star Writer, Pocket Word, Word Perfect
# CSV, dBase, Microsoft Excel, Pocket Excel, Lotus 123, Quattro Pro, Star Calc, Open Office spreadsheet
# MathML, Star Math, Open Office math
# Microsoft Powerpoint, Star Impress, Open Office presentation

Plus movies, images, sounds.

Go to media-convert to see how it works.

Internet Time and Dog Years

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Time declared You the person of the year last December, but for some of us living in what appears like dog years, a month is enough to get a feeling of nostalgia. So life goes on in dizzying speed. And the Friendster**  (Myspace, Bebo, YouTube, etc.) generation moves around the  "Web of Verbs". Aimlessly or purposively? Your guess is as good as mine.

* Business Week saw it coming too.

** memetic in Manila

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Sunday, January 28, 2007


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Originally uploaded by joelogs.
Pictures speak reams of words, indeed.

Blogparteeh07 Post Mortem

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Indeed parties leave some form of aftertaste/afterglow (?). Janette Toral is assembling  blogparteeh07 reminiscences/reports. Then I wondered if the party site would still get enough attention post-facto. So I decided to blog at via a trailfire widget.

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Saturday, January 27, 2007


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Originally uploaded by joelogs.
Here's a Firefox "extension that lets you describe relations between websites." Could be useful for generating concept maps.

blogparteeh07 in Manila

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Originally uploaded by joelogs.
I call this a component of a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) project. It's got offline/online layers. Go to the blogparteeh07 site to see what I mean.

Friday, January 26, 2007


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Originally uploaded by joelogs.
As currently understood, it seems like a reference to entrepreneurs speciliazing in nanotechnology. In Manila this may sound like someone whose capitalization is much smaller than microentrepreneurs. Just a thought.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

How do you visualize your dataset via Web 2.0?

I mean create a line graph, stack graph, pie chart, bar chart, scatter plot, etc. out of your data. Of course you can produce/edit data via google spreadsheets, but how do you make visual sense of those data?

Now go to Should show you what I mean. You can even create discussion threads on the charts. It's an IBM project built around social software concepts.

Thanks to David De Jean for point the site out.

Lifecycle 2.0

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Dandelife. Life-cycle shared. This could perhaps encompass all other social software. Discover, disclose, engage, co-create. Find your place in the circle of life. You don’t want to get stuck in Friendster or MySpace, or Mutiply etc. do you?

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Want to develop positive social behavior ...

... like charity, kindness and altruism?

Mind your "posterior superior temporal salcus". It's not in the heart, it's in the head.

More on the discovery here.

Next up! Find a baseball cap that enhances altruism in people. The better to bring us close to world peace with.

Monday, January 22, 2007

BlogTagging Redux

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Shameless BlogTagging aka
5 things I did for an invite to the Blog Parteeh '07

1. Blogged about the event:

What: Blog Parteeh! 2007
When: January 27, 2006 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Where:6th Floor (Poolside Area)
Classica Tower 2 Condominium
HV dela Costa St., Salcedo Village, Makati City 1200 Philippines

2. Inserted the following links:

This event is sponsored by: Sheero Media Solutions, MyJournal Philippines, FeedText, Inc., Migs Paraz, A Bugged Life, The Blog Herald, b5media blog network, About My Recovery, Pinoy.Tech.Blog, Enthropia, Inc., Krispy Kreme Philippines, GMA New Media, Awesome Philippines,,,,, Bouncing Red Ball, Bo Sanchez, Microwarehouse Inc.

BlogParteeh07 Donors:
Marc Javellana, Bubba Gump, e-YellowPages, Adobe User Group - Philippines, Weddings @ Work, Google Philippines, Hinge Inquirer Publications

3. Added a Technorati tag at the end of my entry. (See below)

4. Inserted my email adress:

5. This is not required but I thought of going the extra mile. You should be able to find the building in this map. Just zoom in.

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Brand Loyalty 2.0

Shycast bridges the consumer and her/his brand via tagging.

I'd like to call that targetted tagging. Of course they use Social Software video ala YouTube.

Techcrunch offers the lowdown on Shycast which by the way is in private beta. Seems like a promising player. But don't take my word for it. Follow the discussion there too. I'd like to think I still believe in the "wisdom of crowds".

Quote of the day

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Quote of the day

“The truth you cling to makes you unavailable to hear anything new.”
Pema Chödrön

Sunday, January 21, 2007

What's next after iPhone?

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Boing Boing: A Directory of Wonderful Things

"Pictured here: the iKill pistol (only compatible with iBullets.)" Cory Doctorow is in his element in that post.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Computer Generation: A New Breed of Whiz Kids

Yes. That was dated May 1982. I had to do a double take to assure myself that I read it right.

25 years hence, Old Schoolers still seem to rule the roost. But we understand a little better.

Thanks Lianne Salvador for pointing me to those Time magazine issues.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

I had this book about 10 years ago.

Nice to look back and see what possibilities were imaginable back

Barbara Jacobs offered a glowing review of the book. Yet although she did not talk about powerful tools like blogs, wikis, podcasting, rss, etc., Jacobs was spot on when she stated that "[t]he power of the 'digital estate,' predicts former publisher and (then) IBM vice president Martin, will be far more overwhelming than its fourth estate counterpart."

4th estate < 5th estate. Indeed.
How-to blog without a blog

Use Their "About us" says the following:

"Trailfire is a hosted service that enables anyone to comment on any web page. Place a 'trail mark' on a page with your comments or notes. A trail mark can contain text, images, videos and other media types. When you give several marks the same 'trail name' you are forming your own navigation path on the web. We call this a 'Trail'."
I tried it. Even seems to complement Once you get the plug-in installed (I installed it on Flock and Firefox), and you've registered, you are good to go. You may wish to take a look at "my trailset" on Web2booklet.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

This is so "meta"

I'd like to have one of this. Perhaps make one myself.
I wonder if I can try this at home. Thanks to David Pescovitz for the idea. Will perhaps need Superglue, a glass cutter, a regular household bulb and a smaller bulb.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Steve Jobs, the iPhone and open platforms

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Dan Farber pointing to  a Newsweek interview quotes Steve Jobs as saying "You don't want your phone to be an open platform"
Jobs    may have a valid point.  He continues: "You need it to work when you need it to work. Cingular doesn’t want to see their West Coast network go down because some application messed up."

"Now, just how open is Steven Jobs?", you may ask.

Steven Levy offers a very interesting insight in "The Perfect Thing: How the iPod Shuffles Commerce, Culture and Coolness".

In the Chapter on Download (page 99 in my copy),  Levy notes: "Jobs wasn't used to someone else writing on his whiteboard".

I guess that should only be viewed with mild amusement. I'd like to think though that Jobs is a reasonable believer in openness, peering, sharing and acting globally. Of course reasonable could mean different things to different people.

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Saturday, January 13, 2007

SL client code now Open source

"Linden Lab is making the source code for the Second Life Viewer available to everyone. Talented developers from around the world will be able to collaborate with Linden Lab to refine and enhance the experience for all residents of Second Life."

Check the out the FAQ to find out what this means especially for SL citizens.

I'm stoked on Wikinomics

... but I believe there is no need to reinvent the wheel. So I reference Adam Jusco who summarized some of the business models discussed in Tapscott and Williams' book Wikinomics (2006). There are actually 7.

  • Peering (indirectly building business through participation in open-source
  • Ideagoras (marketplaces where businesses can post their R&D needs to the masses and reward the problem-solvers, or offer up their unused inventions that would otherwise lie dormant and in secret)
  • Embracing the Prosumer (encouraging/supporting customers who “hack” your products, creating new features or uses that your company would have never thought of on its own)
  • New Alexandrians (breaking down the proprietary walls in the
    sciences, namely in the fight against disease)
  • Platforms for Participation (opening up your technology to allow others to create or even profit from its use, which may add to your bottom line and/or strengthen your brand)

BTW Tapscott and Williams identify 4 elements (mindset?) that underpin those models: Openness, Peering, Sharing and Acting Global. Read the book to get the full flavor.

Friday, January 12, 2007

So how can co-creation happen here?

Does this mean that Inquirer and GMA7 (in Manila) have parted ways? Seems like big business still does not get it. So much for the collaboration economy. But I am still optimistic.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Trendspotting Shortlist for 2007
  1. Skype/VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocal)
  2. Wii and the next-generation gaming systems
  3. The business of social networking (hanging out online)
Longer (70 items) list is here. Article says it's according to JWT.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Think Global, Act Local

Bruce Einhorn reports that youngsters in China are flocking to homegrown versions of MySpace and YouTube.
"It was the sort of break most Net startups would die for. Chinese tv actress Zhang Yu said notable directors had made her audition on the "casting couch" before giving her roles. To back up her claims, Zhang in November posted videos of two encounters on a Web site called Yoqoo, one of dozens of Chinese YouTube (GOOG) and MySpace wannabes. Thanks to the racy footage--heavily edited to keep things from getting X-rated--traffic on Yoqoo tripled to about 7.5 million video streams a day. "
More here.

Thanks to Anastasia Goldstein.

Perhaps Pinoy Big Brothel (oops Brother) in Manila could start creating "Ayoqo" for casting sessions. Could make the task of star searching more efficient, not to mention democratic(?).

Creative Commons and Business Models

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Chinwag wrote that: "Going on the premise that business models will 'just emerge' isn’t sufficient motive for many start-ups, nor comfort to their potential investors. But neither is the solution simply always about scale (ie. traction plus 'eyeballs')."  More here.

Now consider kishkish's lie detector, an add-on to Skype

Sophie Nicholson reports that:

"Since signing a deal in December with Internet telephony giant Skype, the company's server has crashed five times after tens of thousands of web users rushed to download the lie detector, offered for free."

Just my humble opinion: "Desire line is where the rubber of Creative Commons meets the road of Business Models."

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Monday, January 08, 2007

3 Predictions about Apple’s Social Software Future

Joshua Porter offers his musings on how Apple would/should/could evolve in 3 fronts. I quote liberally from here.

On iPhone
"imagine if Apple recorded (not necessarily the audio, but the metadata of the call) all the calls we make and store that information in our .Mac account (assuming you’re still subscribed, of course). With our phone connected to a .Mac account, lots of other things become possible. You could phone-to-text message, much like is happening at Twittr (not that this is the ideal model, but recording text messages on a web page in a similar way). You could look at call histories, giving a clear picture of our calling habits, how many minutes we’ve used up, and who we’re talking to. You could have chat and blogging built in, as is happening with Leopard to some extent already.
All of this would essentially lead to a “phone profile”, much like a social-networking profile, where we could connect with our friends to do *any* sort of messaging we want. Voice, voice-text, web-text, chat…all in one central location. "
You may refer to danah boyd for fresh and compelling insights on social networks.

On iTunes
"... as it currently exists, lacks social features that it desperately needs to face its future competition.
What people can’t find out, and what is crucial to music and movie sharing, is knowing what your trusted social groups are listening and watching. iTunes lacks a way for people to know what their friends and family are currently enjoying. This is where most of our recommendations come from. iTunes could benefit greatly from a recommendation service based not only on what people listen to and watch, but also what trusted people are doing."
I wonder if Zune (a competing product from Microsoft) is getting it right.

On podcasting
"I think podcasting will really take off when it becomes smaller, more discrete, and more social. When we can subscribe to our friend’s podcast and listen to their two-minute message today, not just some deeply-engaging half hour show."
Now does this qualify?

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Blog features that will never make more than $0.14 Adsense money per month

1. Out of sight ads
2. Outdated blogs
3. Unclear topic posts
4. Poor post titles
5. No Alternative ads
6. Self-clicked AdSense ads
7. Violation of other Adsense rules
8. Poor sense of color
9. Bissful ignorance of AdSense Ads performance
10. Egregious blog owner attitude

All those come down to guaranteed lower traffic.

Darren Rowse is spot on. Read more here.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

This just in (29).

Now people will start talking terabytes. And Hitachi could perhaps set the trend. But with Samsung's 32 Gb flash drive, wouldn't conventional hard drive get obsolete?

Friday, January 05, 2007

How to co-author a book

... or at least the succeeding editions of it.

Just to prove a point, follow this link. It's so easy, you can even participate via e-mail. And you can even "collaborate"offline (a bit buggy still). Tell me I'm wrong.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Creativity on steroids

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In Manila, people would dismiss this kind of genius as "walang magawa" (Read: slacker). I wonder how the holier-than-thou types would then react if a fellow Pinoy manages to pull off a platinum album done in this fashion? More here.

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Wednesday, January 03, 2007

OLPC has social networking interface

Thus wrote Ben Werdmuller in "the internet is people".

I imagine a laptop with a look and feel sans the psychological baggage of corporate icons, like folders and notepads. The focus on the personal experience rather than objects should be good for first-time users.
Online Video Encoding Platform.

"{Enjoy video encoding in the format you need}

So many formats, obviously yours

* Mobile MP4
* Sony PSP
* iPod Video
* Archos
* Creative Zen Vision:M
* And so much more..."
Hey Watch (This)! Currently in beta mode by invite. Sorry about the way the above sounded. I just copied and pasted.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Word of the Day: Wikinomics

Might as well call it book of the New Year. Just got myself a personal copy.

Most interesting part is that the last chapter (Chapter 11) is a wiki. Now you may wish to call that walking the talk.

Incidentally, is also running (on pseudo-stealth mode) a "last chapter" wiki on their product holdings. I understand it is designed to deepen customer involvement. In fact I just got a chance to "update" a product detail of Wikinomics by indicating that it was the first edition. Trivial yet meaningful. Now who says Web 2.0 doesn't work?
Earth: pop. 6,470,818,671 ++

Then Chrissy Ignacio quipped "I guess it is time to find that one, that perfect bliss..."

Reminds me of Mahatma Gandhi's powerfully paradoxical aphorisms.
Show and Tell 2.0

Go to for more details.

Need I say more?

Monday, January 01, 2007

My QR* - Code Business Card

That was generated here.

Now, take a snapshot of that B&W image with a cameraphone which supports Kaywa Reader and you should get my contact details in human-readable format. Now, that's what I call technology that helps save trees.

Ewan McIntosh would perhaps even call it technology that helps learning in the classroom.

* Quick Response Code