[An updated take away from Steve Kayser's wish in 2007]
Happy Christmas World!
Random ruminations of an Evolutionary Technologist (a.k.a. Edublogger) who believes that "It's not what you take but what you leave behind..." Fun part of that could put him in good company with the likes of Benjamin Franklin, Eisenhower, JFK, John Lennon and Steven Spielberg. Longer list is here. Serious part is that he also focusses on Technology, Economics and Society.
Now for a more updated version that I freely edit."About YESPayments™ YESpayments™ is an Internet credit card payment gateway. It accepts credit card transactions from sponsored merchants over the Internet and processes them through Acquiring Banks in Hong Kong and the Philippines. YESpayments™, handles the technical interface, provides risk management information and daily reconciliation. YESpayments™ has been in operation since December 2000. Technology and Security To protect card details as they are sent over the Internet data is encrypted using the Industry standard known as SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). YESpayments™ uses 128bit SSL, the highest commercially available encryption. YESpayments.com has been independently audited and assessed by a risk management company to ensure compliance with PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard). In addition, each month, YESpayments™ is “probed” for weaknesses by an independent security company to ensure the highest protection against intrusion."
Question: TV advertising seems to be losing its effectiveness. What are alternative ways to get attention?Kotler: The average American is exposed to several hundred ad messages a day and is trying to tune out. TV advertising is losing its effectiveness because of growing advertising clutter, the increasing number of channels, the availability of zapping mechanisms, and reduced watching of television by certain groups. The result is that marketers must consider other methods of getting consumer attentions.Here are a number of possibilities:
- Sponsorships. Companies have put their names on stadiums, on whole teams and on individual athletes in order to gain exposure.
- Mentions on talk shows. During his evening show, David Letterman sent a camera crew out to buy Snickers candy bars and ended up talking about it on three subsequent shows, including when Mars sent a whole van of Snickers to feed the audience.
- Product placement. In the movie Die Another Day, James Bond drove an Aston Martin, used a Sony cell phone and prominently featured an Omega wristwatch. Products are also mentioned in novels—in fact, Bulgari commissioned a whole mystery novel to be written called The Bulgari Connection.
- Street-level promotions. Companies have hired actors and actresses to walk in busy areas and ask passersby to take a snapshot of them using their new camera phone. Hopefully the picture takers are impressed and tell others about the new camera phone.
- Celebrity endorsements. Michael Jordon's endorsements gave a boost to Nike shows, McDonald's, Hanes underwear, and Rayovac batteries. Ex-Senator Bob Dole's surprising endorsement of Viagra put Viagra on the nation's mind.
- Body advertising. College kids agreed to paste Dunkin' Donuts logos on their foreheads during an NCAA basketball tournament."
"Google announced Chrome yesterday and the company has already offered Windows XP and Vista owners the opportunity to try it out. And although I've only been able to use it for just a little while, Google Chrome is not only one of the fastest browsers I've ever used, it's easily one of the best.The Google Chrome install was quick and easy. In a matter of seconds (literally), I downloaded the application from the company's site and installed it on my PC. Once up, Chrome asked to import the data from Firefox and I was off."
"GT is NOT a reward for kids who behave well in class and turn in perfect work. Rather it IS an academic necessity for children who learn differently. Their learning and abilities are significantly different from the norm. Yes, some gifted kids do behave well and turn in perfect work, but so do many high-achieving, hard-working, teacher-pleaser kids. Gifted kids can also be the ones who act up in class or who don’t turn in ANY work because they’re sick of learning about pronouns for the fifth year in a row when they had it the first time. "More here. Thanks to Mary Laltoo for the lead to the link.
"The paper presents a number of examples of the use of such games, and tries to determine likely trends in their use in such an environment. Of significance is an examination of the obstacles that teaching staff encounter in attempting to use such software during lesson times, and how some staff have overcome these obstacles."This was circa 2003, so handhelds nowadays could swing the results differently.
"Recently, a girl’s junior high school in Tokyo, Japan adopted the Nintendo DS as a means of assisting the teaching of the English Language to their students. Students used the plastic stylus to spell words correctly and were awarded once they completed five levels. The English Language for Japanese program also included video of a teen ordering food in English and dialogue for the students to repeat."
"PHUKET, Thailand--Social networks such as Facebook have not only revolutionized the way people communicate over the Web but are also seen as useful to businesses."
"In addition to low fuel consumption, the VCM engine also reduces exhaust emissions, helping meet govt Ultra-Low Emissions and 2010 fuel consumption standards, making it eligible for preferential 'Green Tax' treatment. The engine achieves this by combining high-density catalytic converters located directly below each cylinder head for further improved exhaust gas processing at low engine temperatures with better air/fuel ratio control.
VCM continuously analyzes throttle opening, vehicle speed, engine speed, and gearing to determine that the car is cruising, and then idles the intake and exhaust valves of the three cylinders in the rear cylinder bank. With zero valve lift, the cylinders are sealed, and no fuel is injected. Pumping losses are thus reduced by as much as 65% and low fuel consumption is realized.
When operating in 3-cylinder mode, engine vibration is reduced by extrapolating vibration from the change in crankshaft rotation speed and sending the information to the 'active control' engine mount, which compresses/extends an actuator in same-phase, same-period motion to dampen the engine mount. Similarly, a speaker creates an opposite phase sound or 'active noise control', to provide a cancelling effect, for a quieter interior which leaves the driver unaware of changes in cylinder activation."
"I can't understand what really freak they want, lagayNow for what this is worth, I could perhaps hook this fellow up to someone who could be of assistance to him and anyone similarly situated. So, buddy, just shoot me an email at joel.yuvienco[at]gmail.com
ba? or paddrino. These are very simple matters why
they are trying to make it hard. How can they verify
the premiums of my previous companys for my sss
contribution. It will take them forever, maybe some of
them aren't existing anymore and how could they do
that its been 23 or 25 years that's rediculous!
The only company that might be able to give them maybe
the big ones but i am not sure if my name is still in
their files ... "
"Arcademic Skill Builders is a nonprofit web site that features online educational games offering a new approach to learning basic math, language arts, vocabulary, and thinking skills."More here.
"A résumé, also known as a curriculum vitae (CV), American and British English respectively, is a document that contains a summary or listing of relevant job experience and education, usually for the purpose of obtaining an interview when seeking employment. Often the résumé or CV is the first item that a potential employer encounters regarding the job seeker, and therefore a large amount of importance is often ascribed to it."
1. Complete the order form and choose your package.
2. Their team lead will get in contact with you to conduct an in depth one on one interview.
3. Receive your 1st draft.
4. Finalize your resume with the team lead.
"Demoting reading from its privileged position in the school curriculum is only one of many consequences of Knowledge Machines. A child who has grown up with the freedom to explore provided by such machines will not sit quietly through the standard curriculum dished out in most schools today. Already, children are made increasingly restive by the contrast between the slowness of School and the more exciting pace they experience in videogames and television. But the restiveness is only a pale precursor to what will come when they can freely enter virtual realities of animals in Africa or wars in ancient Greece."Makes one wonder what skill set companies would be looking for in the 21st century workplace.
"When big brands decide something is hot, they will move in and attempt to copy it. Sometimes they actually succeed at their goals, and sometimes…well, let’s just say that results are less than spectacular."
Connecting is something that Friendster, one of the pioneers of Social Network Sites in the early decade of the century, has widely popularized. The ability to invite friends online and get invitations confirmed in a two-way friendship loop gave rise to the practice of “Friending”.
Through what is commonly called tagging, Social Network Sites confer to the users the ability to put some loose categorization of learning objects. The image below shows what is called a tag cloud. It’s an aggregation of ‘popular’ labels used on learning artifacts and the system works to highlight the ‘relative importance’ of the items according to font size.
The implication of all these resonates with David Warlick (2007): "students stop being mirrors, and instead become amplifiers. Their job is not merely to reflect what they encounter, but to add value to it. Content and skills are no longer the end product, but they become raw materials, with which students learn to work and play and share. Information is captured by the learner, processed, added to, remixed, and then shared back, to be captured by another learner/teacher and reprocessed."