Monday, February 13, 2006

Which is it then? Value or Values?

David Stark weighs in with his "For a Sociology of Worth" (2000) .

And Jhai Foundation takes a stand. Anchored on Margaret Wheatley's statement that:

"A quantum universe is enacted only in an environment rich in relationships.
Nothing happens in the quantum world without something encountering something
else. Nothing is independent of relationships that occur. I am constantly
creating the world - evoking it, not discovering it - as I participate in all
its many interactions. This is a world of process, not a world of things." -
Margaret Wheatley, Leadership and the New Science, Barrett-Koehler (pb), 1994,
p. 68

Jhai says it's

"about processes that are critical parts of economic development for people
who have been left out. We are especially concerned about people left out of
the opportunity to use information and communication technology tools that
might help them increase earnings and deepen their social networks, business
relations, and friendships."

Perhaps we should have more of this awareness, one that drives people to make a positive difference.

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