Random ruminations of an Evolutionary Technologist (a.k.a. Edublogger) who believes that "It's not what you take but what you leave behind..." Fun part of that could put him in good company with the likes of Benjamin Franklin, Eisenhower, JFK, John Lennon and Steven Spielberg. Longer list is here. Serious part is that he also focusses on Technology, Economics and Society.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Just thought I'd plot this landmark here.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
... compiled by Larry Ferlazzo.
[via Michael Arrington]
Have an abundant New Year world!
Monday, December 24, 2007
Peace and goodwill, in spite of ... perhaps because of ...
[A take away from Steve Kayser's wish in 2006]
Happy Christmas World!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
From what reads like a press release via money.cnn.com:
"IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced the availability of IBM Atlas for Lotus Connections, a corporate social networking visualization and analysis tool. IBM Atlas for Lotus Connections is designed to help organizations maximize their investment in social software by answering questions such as who the key experts are on a given topic, how they are connected, and whom a user's contacts know that they do not."
"The Net component of Atlas provides a visual indication of the important hubs among topic experts and informal groups that have developed while working on similar projects."
" Reach, the social software dashboard feature in Atlas, helps users navigate the up to six degrees of separation that divide them from a colleague." "The Find component of Atlas builds upon core Lotus Connections expertise capabilities by taking searches beyond the corporate directory to include results based on social data such as reporting structures, blogs and communities."
... and the choices are broader now.
More via Cory Doctorow here.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
damien describes it thus:
At once simple and complex. It's War and Peace, rolled into one? Your suggestions are welcome."(It) simultaneously validates and rubbishes the claims of Andrew Keen: that the web is in the hands of idiots who are systematically destroying 'the truth'."
Warning: It's a 2-hour movie.
song while/after watching the movie.
Some more intriguing points, especially in the educational context here.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Image below shows My Profile page.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Josh Bernoff and Charlene Li of Forrester.com share a simple prescription for deploying Social Technologies.
The image below summarizes the key elements of what they call the POST method.
More details here.
Try AniBOOM Shapeshifters.
Here's one by Ryan Norloch:
[via Mike Abundo]
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
So who are really being left behind?
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Here's a quote from the article:
"Demographics have always been an imperfect method to match the right message to the right user, but we have relied on them so long that we overlook the fact that many basic ad strategies were designed to compensate for their inefficiency. Flights, disruptive media and frequency all make up for the fact that a lot of money is talking to the wrong people."The implication seems to point to the "unpopularity" of push (n) vs. pull (2n + n2) marketing. The table (from Dion Hinchcliffe) below could perhaps help clarify the options:
David Pollard puts it in richer context. At the core, it seems to be more about trust than about knowledge. More here.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Let's start with robotics.
[Image via Boingboing.net]
"Description:This course provides an overview of robot mechanisms, dynamics, and intelligent controls. Topics include planar and spatial kinematics, and motion planning; mechanism design for manipulators and mobile robots, multi-rigid-body dynamics, 3D graphic simulation; control design, actuators, and sensors; wireless networking, task modeling, human-machine interface, and embedded software. Features descriptions and videos of the two main student projects: building a robot capable of searching for land mines, and building a robot capable of rescuing trapped or injured people after a natural disaster." More here.
Monday, December 03, 2007
| 19th Century | 20th Century | 21st Century |
Teaching style | Lecture | Lecture | P2P collaboration |
Curriculum | Books, blackboard | Textbooks | Community-generated content |
Location | One-room schoolhouse | Classrooms | Anywhere |
Interaction | Q&A | Labs | Self-directed exploration, teamwork |
Objective | Survival | Employment | Lifelong learning skills |
Tools | Blackboard | Labs | Personal devices |
Result | “Book learning” | Memorized facts and information | Adaptation, growth |
Source: P. Clint Rogers; Stephen W. Liddle; Peter Chan; Aaron Doxey and Brady Isom.
Web 2.0 Learning platform: Harnessing collective intelligence.
Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, Volume 8, Number 3, 2007
[URL] via [carsten ullrich]
"Remember....most of the jobs we are preparing our students for don't even exist yet." (BrenniesBytes, August, 2006)
More here.
Saturday, December 01, 2007
That seems to be the starting point of the discussion on how Web 2.0 can enhance professional credibility. More of the linkedin-sponsored Q&A forum here.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Boy's online name is Arthus. Steve Hargadon says
"Arthus started by seeing someone with a blog, and then starting his own. Was a technical interest, then moved to the subject of education. Started at age 11, HTML websites at 12, PHP at 13."Intriguing part is Arthus is not into gaming.
More details here.
[via Stephen Downes]
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
[Image via Hatem]
Nic Paton explores the perils and promises of Social Network Sites for employers especially HR managers. More here.
The sense I'm getting is that there seems to be scope to set up SNS in-house. Could be useful for Knowledge Management, particularly in the domain of creativity and innovation.
Monday, November 26, 2007
- "is the catchphrase for the country’s newly formed Philippine National Innovation Strategy."
"[I]nnovation must be done in an open and collaborative environment that allows for focus on different disciplines. However, he said that it cannot be done overnight. 'Innovation has to be good to the society and must be constantly pursued. Having a strategy on innovation is just the first step and it should be followed up.'"
Sunday, November 25, 2007
... from Sir Tim Berners-Lee no less.
[Photo Credit: Sam Ogden]
More about the "Giant Global Graph" via Pete Cashmore and Richard MacManus.
Now does that mean URL's would look like http://ggg.blah.com?
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Rosa Maria de la Cueva Peterson writes:
"there is no road map to help us navigate the information highways, where seemingly unlimited new tools appear every day. There is not a checklist of the tools we need to learn to become information-literate. We must shift the way we conceptualize education."
Thursday, November 22, 2007
- VectorMagic: Raster to Vector image converter from Stanford Uni
- Snipshot: Image Editor does basic editing tools like crop, rotate, resize, etc.
So there. Who needs expensive software that requires complex dowloading and installation?
... from Thomas Vander Wal
[via Marshall Kirkpatrick]
and hope it cross-connects with other visualizations.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
"Consumer blogging and community boards are a rich data source allowing firms to gain unbiased/top of mind thoughts from consumers and having a method to mine thousands of comments so that management can understand what is being said is exciting."
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Sylvia Mayuga writes "An Idea Whose Time Has Come" and paints an imagery of what appears to be a "mega" holistic worldview in Mark McCutcheon's "Theory of Everything".
Thought provoking, as it puts together a web of notions across time and space - from Newton to Einstein, from politics to technology, from Obama to Arroyo - that is at once distant and immediate.
True to form, as it proceeds from the column Mixed Media.
Intriguing, as it invites her fellow global citizens to pitch in their flavors for a virtual "halo-halo".
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Friday, November 16, 2007
... and make Adsense money too.
Then I did what a H. sapiens sapiens worth his weight in atoms would do, fire up a search engine and plug the relevant keywords. Turns out, the whole article was a rehash of Robert Paterson's blog entry of 2004 titled: "Can blogging save us from becoming neanderthals?"
Cut and Paste 2.0 or Piracy 2.0?
*Artificial Intelligence
Thursday, November 15, 2007
It's about "engaging the collective intelligence of worldwide communities in the development of continuously updated, high-quality content textbooks, which are available for free to the students all over the world (mostly via internet). "
[via Olga Veligurska]
Perhaps a solution to textbook scams?
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Social Network Sites: Definition, History, and Scholarship
danah m. boyd
School of Information
University of California-Berkeley
Nicole B. Ellison
Department of Telecommunication, Information Studies, and Media
Michigan State University
Cite as:
boyd, d. m., & Ellison, N. B. (2007). Social network sites: Definition, history, and scholarship. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 13(1), article 11. http://jcmc.indiana.edu/vol13/issue1/boyd.ellison.html
Plus8Star offers a delightful slew of insights from "very well prepared and expert speakers who don’t come to sell, but to inform and exchange, an attentive and savvy audience who steps in for sophisticated and challenging questions, exchange of views, contributing their ideas and knowledge" in a recent event organized by OrangeLabs.
This is rather interesting: “In China, 600 million people never used Internet. If I serve them, I am twice as big as Google.”
Monday, November 12, 2007
Still trying to make complete sense of the issues raised in Teo Marasigan's "Online Dossier at iba pang Pag-aalalang Neo-luddite hinggil sa Internet."
Meanwhile if this is any assurance, a quick motto could be "You''ll Never Blog Alone."
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Implicit comparison is "how thick is your wallet or what are your interests?". Perhaps it's more a question of what you are passionate about.
21st century angst? Read XicanoPwr for more about Unemployment and A Web 2.0 Challenge.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Well almost. Not exactly a long way down the road either.
[Image via Bug Labs]
[Image via diylife.com]
Rafe Needleman reports that:
"Bug Labs wants to change that. The company is releasing a hardware development system made of sensing and input modules that snap into a low-cost central Linux-based core, allowing you to mash up your own gadget. The main core, the BugBase, is bit larger than an iPhone. The modules that snap into it are half that size and a standard BugBase has four ports for modules."More here.
Christian Crumlish highlights Google OpenSocial's prescriptions for a successful Social Web Design:
Longer list by Joshua Porter is here.
- Enable self expression via personalization
- Show what friends are doing
- Let people explore friends and friends of friends
- Provide commenting features
- Expose multiple areas of similarity
- Solve real world problems through social connections
I'm tempted to summarize that as: Smart. Simple. Social.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Do I hear "Have Web 2.0 skills, will pinch hit."?
Monday, November 05, 2007
aka Citizen Journalism the Singapore way.
But Khengze Teoh wonders:
More here."Where is content that foster real sharing of ideas and socio-political commentary? For all the hype, these supposed opportunities for citizen engagement in Singapore ring hollow when they happen on mainstream media platforms controlled by the state."
*Straits Times Online Mobile Print
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Heather Havenstein of Computerworld reports that Apps (are) Already Coming for Google's New OpenSocial
Sounds like it's party time already. More via Yahoo.
Friday, November 02, 2007
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
- Thomas Davenport wonders where 'working' is in Social Networking.
- John M. Willis "isn't surprised" why Social Software is not in Gartner's Magic Quadrant
- Jeff Brainard sees big money in Enterprise 2.0 up to 2011.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Perhaps it just needs a more participatory shot in the arm.
Read more of George Dearing's thoughts on this.
How about walking the talk? First stop could be Community Walk. That takes care of Space; now there must be a way to embed an element of Time. I am thinking of Dandelife.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Just thought I'd preserve this for future reference of historical trivia buffs. (Only in the Philippines...)
An alternative source of the image is here. With apologies to Inquirer.net.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
FaberNovel gives some compelling insights (View slide 28, in particular) in an analysis of the Facebook phenomenon.
[via Oren Sreebny]
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Ke Zhang and Kyle L. Peck's paper (2003) could give some interesting insights for teachers considering the use of social learning environments.
"Three conclusions were reached:
- Groups assigned to moderated forums displayed significantly higher reasoning scores than those in the peer-controlled condition, but the moderation did not affect correctness of solutions.
- Students in the moderated forums reported being more likely to choose to use an optional online forum for future collaborations.
- Students who reported having no difficulty during collaboration reported being more likely to choose to use an optional online forum in the future."
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Scott Allen puts it this way:
"A blog may become as important, if not more important, than your resume. The resume may get you onto the long list, but the blog is definitely a tool to get onto the short list. If you're trying to position yourself as an expert, then you should be blogging about your topic and building relationships with other people in your industry who are thinking about and talking about the same topic. And when I say you want to position yourself as an expert, I'm not talking about being a professional info-guru. If your business value is centered around your expertise on a particular topic, then you should be writing about it."
"The IMF's Economic Counselor, Simon Johnson, launched the blog in conjunction with the fall meetings of the IMF and its sister organization, the World Bank, in Washington from Saturday through Monday."
[via Inquirer.net]
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Thus reports Erwin Oliva saying that:
More here."[Big Blue] has released a new version of Lotus Notes and Lotus Domino that mixes and matches what customers want with existing applications."
Seems like school reform is getting more complicated.
Monday, October 15, 2007
And I've been a member for barely 2 months. To think I consider myself an early adopter. Dog years on the Internet could perhaps partly explain it.
Read Ian Betteridge's blog entry to get some deeper insights.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Perhaps two years from now, especially when people start raving about Enterprise 3.0.
Meanwhile, let's soak up what Jennifer Okimoto's presentation has to say, in Luis Suarez' slideshare:
[via Rich Hoeg]
Friday, October 12, 2007
About time we Pinoys co-create in the name of Education.
Read more here.
[via Erwin Oliva]
Thus reports J. Nicholas Hoover of Information Week.
One interesting point:
More here.
One intriguing question: What if the 'pretenders' team up with worldwide users in real time ?
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Friday, October 05, 2007
Education for All - Philippines
The "deadline" is 2015. Click here to sign the petition.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Some key points from AlwaysOn Stanford Summit on August 16, 2007
NOT technology BUT self-expression, ubiquity, universal, more personal, more vertical (niche, passionate)
In 10 years, this could be a regular question: "Who owns your friends/network?"
OpenID? or Differentiated identity?
Still about tagetted (via tagging) advertising and transaction models.
Friday, September 28, 2007
No doubt about it.
Check out Xing Premium to see what I mean.
Remind me to look up "Manny Pukyaw".
[via Janette Toral]
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
For folks who like writing dirt art, this could be a natural extension.
[via Joey Alarilla]
Here's an intro to SEO.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Elisabetta Cigonini posted a copy of the paper "Social software for knowledge construction and management in formal online learning" co-written with Maria Chiara Pettenati, Jose Mangione, and Elizabeth Guerin for the Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education. More here.
I like the part about PKM Skills (CREATE, ORGANIZE, SHARE) which seem to echo the 2D2C of Social Software.
Full pdf file is here.
Monday, September 24, 2007
for $400 apiece in the US and Canada in November.
Brian Bergstein reports that by opening sales at http://www.xogiving.com, "Give One, Get One" will delight computing aficionados, because the XO is unlike any other laptop. More here.
Seems like sometimes one needs to be really creative in marketing socially relevant projects.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
... it's the people.
rellis wrote what initially looked like a tongue-in-cheek account of a work-in-progress open professional staff development program around Social Software in the Classroom. More here.
Overall, it made me realize that blended learning could be the sweet spot.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
... from the Lifelong Kindergarten Group of MIT Media Lab, "makes it easy to create your own interactive stories, animations, games, music, and art -- and share your creations on the web."
[via Paulhami]
Written by Michael Feldstein in 2006 but still fresh in the light of Facebook's growing popularity.
I like this part (very interesting yet just as challenging):
"We need that Box-’O-Stuff, where they save their first assignment drafts and where it becomes natural and automagic to keep all subsequent drafts. Then we need easy hooks so they can suck that content out of their boxes and post it on whatever MySpace-like application (whether integral to the LMS or a third-party service) suits their specific portfolio purposes. The main focus then becomes on teaching them what to put in the portfolio and why, rather than on how to build the widgets." More here.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
4 Pillars of Education+ 2D2C = 21st Century Lifelong Learning
Below are excerpts from "Learning: The Treasure Within. UNESCO report on Education for the 21st Century" loosely plotted on Discover, Disclose, Connect, Co-create.
- Learning to live together (Co-create) "which involves developing an understanding for fellow people, for their history, traditions and spiritual values. This pillar enables people to develop a new awareness which - based on an understanding of our growing interdependence and a joint analysis of future risks and challenges - leads people into carrying out joint projects and solving insurmountable conflicts in an intelligent and peaceful way."
- Learning how to acquire knowledge. (Discover) "Against a background in which technological changes are coming thick and fast and in which new economic and social patterns are forming, the main focus is on making sure that general education is as wide as possible and that people can go on to deepen their knowledge in selected subjects. Indeed, this kind of general education is the key to a life-long process of learning. It whets people's appetite to learn over a lifetime - while at the same time providing the foundations to do so."
- Learning how to act. (Connect) "This pillar is not just about doing a job but, in general terms, about acquiring the skills to cope with different and often unforeseen situations and about learning how to work in a team. Indeed, it is these characteristics that current educational methods tend to neglect. In many cases it is easer for pupils and students to learn these competencies if they are given the opportunity to try out and develop their skills. It's about enabling people to get work experience and community work while they are still in education. Indeed, a great deal of importance should be attached to all methods that mix education with experience."
- Learning for life. (Disclose) "This was the issue at the heart of the Edgar-Faure report called how we learn to live, which was part of the UNESCO report on the objectives and future of our education programs, published in 1972 by UNESCO. The recommendations of this report are still relevant today. Indeed, in the 21st century everyone will be required to demonstrate independence, judgment and more personal responsibility if common objectives are to be reached. Our report also underlines another requirement, namely that none of the talents lying dormant like hidden treasures in every individual should be allowed to go unused. These talents, to name but a few, include: memory, logical thought, imagination, physical ability, an aesthetic sense, the ability to communicate and the natural charisma of a group leader. In actual fact these abilities only serve in underlining the importance of more self-knowledge."
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Mark Frauenfelder finds "Art blog of juvenile criminals spending life in prison"
Here's an excerpt from an inmate's blog:
More here.
Could be useful to those "responsible" for Cris Mendez' death.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Dannno shares a slide presentation of what it would take to get ready for the "Friendster" generation.
Monday, September 17, 2007
"DnaTube is a scientific research site providing video based studies, lecturers and seminars. By using DnaTube.com, you can:
1. Quickly upload your experiment videos or seminars you join. And share your videos and help other people in science community"
... among other things.
Heres an example:
Synthesizing Oligonucleotide
[via Paolo Massa]
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Thus reports Lawrence Casiraya of Inquirer.net.
Here are some excerpts:
"IBM is contributing significant technology that will help make OpenOffice more accessible to those with disabilities," the statement said.
"In addition to actively contributing to and participating in the community, IBM will also include versions of OpenOffice in its products in the future."
Should be good for an ultimate move towards Webtop or Webware.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
... in a bottle can distill either 4,000 liters or 6,000 liters without changing the filter.
[via Abroath]
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Saturday, September 08, 2007
"[I]t wasn’t just about teaching, that it was about (...) personal learning, too."
Friday, September 07, 2007
Perhaps people who were once confused and twice cautious will now listen."Some current Epsilen users describe Epsilen as an academic 'MySpace' and 'FaceBook', connecting peers to share knowledge and exchange objects."
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Ian Williams reports that:
"The majority of senior managers at European organisations are failing to invest in web 2.0 technologies owing to a lack of understanding of the business benefits, new research claims."
Better yet, maybe we could get some guidance from Tom Coates' blog entry of 2006 vintage: What do we do with 'Social Media'?
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Ross Dawson discusses the role of specialist SNS to professionals (or Communities of Practice) and draws up a list from physicians to women-only executives here.
Indeed, Friendster, Myspace, Bebo et al. have set the categories. Now it's time for niche SNS.
[via Matt Moore]
- An intriguing "debate" between Stephen Downes and Gary Stager focuses on Web 2.0 and school reform.
- A smaller effort aimed at engaging 21st century learners takes place somewhere in Asia. You may wish to follow the quadratic equation session with gifted students at the Philippine High School for the Arts.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Monday, September 03, 2007
Sunday, September 02, 2007
What kind of an IT user are you?
"If you want to know how you fit in on the typology of ICT and internet users, an online quiz should give you the answer."
Follow the Pew Internet link here. (Warning: a little bit culture-bound)[via FERL]
I took the test and was routinely classified as an omnivore. So what is your ICT user profile?
Saturday, September 01, 2007
"Weblogs (& wikis) have been around for long enough for us to move beyond the experimentation stage and to come up with strategies on using them to make a real business impact."
[via Susanne Goldstein]
Makes me wonder about the nature and degree of the connection.
Friday, August 31, 2007
All efforts to sell Social Software in the Enterprise would likely fail when old mindsets remain.
Robert Paterson weighs in more compellingly:
"When we use the word 'Organization' we default to this model. An organization that breaks up work and people naturally into separate and competing parts. I say competing - because this is also how we allocate capital and resources - the parts compete for the attention of the 'father' as kids do for the car keys. At the centre of this context is Budget and the idea that everyone and everything inside the department is 'Property' that has to be owned by the Head."
Thursday, August 30, 2007
The article in pdf form can be downloaded here.
Read more here.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
Site Statistics
Accounts by type
community: 101
person: 453
Weblog Statistics lahat ng oras:
3561 weblog posts, 10542 comments
noong nakalipas na 7 araw:
141 weblog posts, 208 comments
Not bad for the very first School-based Elgg-powered Social Networking Site in the Philippines. Perhaps even in the Asia-Pacific?
Robert Paterson draws a parallel in the corporate setting:
"As in the Medieval world, the King and the Priests control the communications system. It is a one way top down system. The Priests write books that tell the people how clever they and the kings are.
As in the Medieval world, there is no room for observable science. Just as Augustine and Aristotle were held up as authorities, so there are untouchable dogmas about HR and Marketing. Any evidence that machine hierarchies are unnatural is quashed. Heretics are rooted out inside organizations and are threatened into submission, expelled or killed."
Now it reminds me of Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman's book "First, Break All the Rules" and its focus on:
And Social Software could very well make that happen.
Yet Paterson asks: "So on what terms would this world want to adopt Social Software? It threatens every aspect of the system. For the real business of business is to serve the King."
More here. So where are the White Knights?
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Monday, August 20, 2007
Here's an excerpt from Andrew Keen's "The Cult of the Amateur":
"Today’s technology hooks all those monkeys up with all those typewriters (referencing T.H. Huxley's work). Except in our Web 2.0 world, the typewriters aren’t quite typewriters, but rather networked personal computers, and the monkeys aren’t quite monkeys, but rather Internet users. And instead of creating masterpieces, these millions and millions of exuberant monkeys — many with no more talent in the creative arts than our primate cousins — are creating an endless digital forest of mediocrity. For today’s amateur monkeys can use their networked computers to publish everything from uninformed political commentary, to unseemly home videos, to embarrassingly amateurish music, to unreadable poems, reviews, essays and novels."[via Jessica of Vidfest] Funny, but I get the feeling I'm an ape.
Image Source: http://www.truthtree.com/images/evolman.jpg